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所有的邪道意味着死亡。All sorts of crookedness mean death.

是人行邪道,不能见如来。And will not be able to see the Buddha.

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不要走邪道,否则会坐牢。Don't go away, otherwise will go to jail.

您知道您的独生子正在走邪道吗?Be you aware of your son's falling into evil way?

您知道您的儿子正在走邪道吗?Are you aware of your son's falling into evil ways?

我拒绝回答丁太太的问题,这问题使我觉得有点邪道。I declined answering Mrs Dean's question, which struck me as something heterodox.

我宁愿牺牲我的国度,我的财宝,我的朋友,我的身体和血,我的灵魂和我的生命,来制止这个邪道。To stay such impiety , I will sacrifice my kingdoms, my treasures, my friends, my body, my blood, my soul, and my life.

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他们装出一幅对世上亲友的幸福深深关切的样子,向亲友们暗示那些最危险的邪道。With an appearance of deep interest in the well-being of their friends on earth, they insinuate the most dangerous errors.

换句话说,有道根的道称为大道,无道根的道称为小道,背离道根的道称为邪道。In other words, Dao is called great Dao when it has Dao root, minor Dao without Dao root, and evil Dao when it goes against Dao root.

对于“专为捕猎,追踪和虐杀人类而设计”的机器人,以及假如这些机器人落入邪道之手、或者这些机器人本身失控狂暴化时将发生的事情,他表示并不乐观。He is less sanguine about the robots that are “specifically designed to hunt, track and kill humans” and about what might happen should they fall into the wrong hands or go berserk.

你们做得好,道永远是真的,如果没有心正、身正、言正、行正,这样正道也会变邪道。As long as you behave well, Dao is eternally true. However, unless you have a righteous mind, righteous senses, speak righteous words, and behave righteously , even the righteous Dao can become evil.