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狄克,上哪儿去?Where to,Dick?

佳佳,上哪儿去?Where to,Jia Jia?

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库马尔在哪儿?Where is AJ Kumar?

6号登机门在哪儿?Where is gate six?

那些二恶英的书又在哪儿呢?Those dioxin books?

我的袜子在哪儿?Where are my socks?

这只钟在哪儿?。Where is the clock?

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那个公司在哪儿?Wheres the company?

但是欧洲在哪儿?But where is Europe?

你在哪儿梅根?Where are you Megan?

你在哪儿能得到呢?Where do you get it?

我的眼镜在哪儿?Where is my glasses?

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阿恩尔,你在哪儿?Arnel, where are you?

哦,晦!你在哪儿?Oh hi, where are you?

我从哪儿可以听到她的歌?Where can I hear her?

你在哪儿见到他的?And you saw him where?

那条小路在哪儿?II. ① Wheres the path?

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罗斯托夫,你在哪儿?Rostov, where are you?

我的托尼熊在哪儿?Where is my tony bear.

美术室在哪儿?Where is the art room?