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但是如何才能确保这点呢?But how can you ensure that?

确保你正在排卵。Make sure you are ovulating.

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SQF指安全和质量确保食物。SQF means Safe Quality Food.

所以一定要确保那里有关键词。So make sure they're in there.

请确保处于基本模式。Make sure you're in basic mode.

确保管道系统是绝缘的。Make sure ductwork is insulated.

请仔细书写确保字迹清晰。Please write clearly and legibly.

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我将确保你万事无忧。I'll make your everything alright.

确保你每天都花时间学习哦!Make sure that you study everyday.

请确保你的说话方式和善而谦恭。Be kind and humble in your approach.

确保各项目包执行赛科标准。Ensure SECCO standards are followed.

另外确保此栏中包含有公司街道地址信息。Ensure that it has a street address.

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确保这个设置是正确的。Ensure that this setting is correct.

它确保你相信自己的梦想。It ensures you believe in your dream.

确保法律义务得到满足。Ensure that legal obligations are met.

我该怎么确保这一点呢?How do I know I've got a float in hyp?

确保选择不咸的品种。Be sure to choose the unsalted variety.

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检查子网掩码,以确保一致。Check the subnet masks for consistency.

这将有助于确保ANWR的前途。It will help secure the future of ANWR.

确保订单及出库单信息准确输入到ERP系统。Order and stock out sheet input in ERP.