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我们想念您。We miss you.

我想念我的爸爸。I miss my dad.

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我想念那个女孩。I miss that girl.

我想念你,柔丝。I miss you, Rose.

我仍然想念他。I still miss him.

我想念你,流川。非常。I know you by heart.

我非常想念她。I miss her terribly.

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这是这些天来他回答关于北京印象问题的标准答案,“我还是想念自行车。”I miss the bicycles.

今晚我在想念他们。I miss them tonight.

我想念那些旧时光。I miss the old times.

我十分想念你。I miss you very much.

我有时很想念南京。I some-times miss it.

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我会想念我的狗。D. I will miss my dog.

我非常想念她。I missed her terribly.

老情人,你想念我。Old lover, you miss me.

我真想念我的母校!How I miss my old school!

我十分想念您们。I miss you guys very much.

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不过,你下岗了,我会时刻想念你的,克里斯汀。I'll miss you, Christiane.

这是我的球场,我十分想念它!It's my stadium, I miss it.

现在我依然想念我的朋友。Now I still miss my friend.