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常合并肠扭转。Often merges the volvulus.

呼气进入新月扭转式。Exhale into Reverse Half Moon.

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迷宫,扭转和盘旋。Labyrinths, whirls and spirals.

这种情势必须得到扭转。This situation must be reversed.

逆时针扭转,压力下降。Counter-clockwise, pressure drop.

电子投票能扭转局面吗?。Will E-voting Turn Things Around?

这个扭转的部分在手里抓紧。The twist is captured in the hand.

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但是,这种努力可以扭转局面吗?But can such efforts stem the tide?

对手的大号三分没能扭转局势。The Big Three didn't win the title.

方能扭转汝心之精力?。Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

此图所示的为盲肠扭转。This is an example of cecal volvulus.

你怎样扭转一段走向岔路的关系?How do you turn around a relationship?

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我们的梦想是扭转这种不良印象。Our dream is to change this bad image.

那我们可以做些什么来扭转这个局面呢And what can be done to turn it around?

空运扭转了围攻战的战局。Airlift tipped the balance of the sieges.

你可会扭转身体接触地面?Can you turn around and touch the ground?

使得我能轻易扭转局势。I was able to turn the table on her easy.

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扭转这种人才流失的局面需要时间。Reversing the brain drain could take time.

将螺丝钉往右扭转,使它钉紧。Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.

之后Friendster采取的一些列错误的决策没有帮助公司扭转颓势。A series of bad business decisions didn't help.