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病狂的暴民私刑冶死一名无辜。The angry mob lynched an innocent man.

我们将一起祭奠那些逝去的无辜生命。We’ll remember the innocent lives we lost.

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你认为有人能够清白无辜地进行统治吗“Do you think anyone can govern innocently?"

,有多少人认为,苏格拉底是无辜且应无罪开释?Socrates is innocent and should be acquitted?

指令没要我们滥杀无辜!We don't have orders to kill innocent people.

充满无辜老百姓的市场?Marketplaces swarming with innocent civilians?

再认可海狸的无辜和创造力。I concede the innocence and creativity of beavers.

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炸弹爆炸使几个无辜行人受伤。The bomb blast killed several harmless passers-by.

他在一起政治丑闻中成了一名无辜的受骗者。He becomes an innocent dupe in a political scandal.

未来滴花朵都是无辜滴,不要教坏了!Future drops drop flowers are innocent, not the bad!

为此曾经战火连天,无辜民众惨遭屠杀。Wars have been waged. Innocents have been slaughtered.

这名无辜男童遭同学用棍棒打死。The innocent boy was bludgeoned to death by schoolmates.

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因为我滥杀无辜,我变得很有名气。I became famous for my unfair slaughtering of the innocent.

对于他们枪杀无辜平民,人们感到义愤填膺。People are indignant by their shooting of innocent civilians.

中国并非美国经济走向深渊的的无辜旁观者。China is no innocent bystander in America's race to the abyss.

那名男子借着酒劲,杀了两名无辜的小学生。That man, driven by alcohol, killed two innocent schoolchildren.

它曾多少次踏过无辜受害者的鲜血?How many times it had trodden over the blood of innocent victims?

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邮件内容最无辜瞻'赶我的电子邮件地址。Most spam contains an innocent-looking 'remove me' email address.

赵元庚悲痛不已,开始乱杀无辜查找凶手。Zhao Yuangeng grief, began to find the murderer kill the innocent.

但是,任何生命的丧失,任何无辜生命的丧失,都令人特别痛心。But any loss of life any loss of innocent life, is particularly painful.