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有三条生命危在旦夕,三比一。There were three lives at stake versus one.

危在旦夕之际,楚河忽然从昏迷中醒来,砍倒数名龙匪,挽救众人于危难。At stake of bo Lin suddenly out of a coma, cut bottom name men, and save all dragon in distress.

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儒春在战斗中身负重伤,危在旦夕,春玲含泪吻别未婚夫。R. C. seriously wounded in the battle of Spring, at stake, Chunling tearfully kissed her fiance.

这时中村功接到云子的电话,她河豚中毒,危在旦夕。Then the sons of cloud nakamura work received telephone, she globefish poisoning, hanging by a thread.

我不曾意识到这个群落危在旦夕,整个文化都会消亡。I just hadn't realised how endangered the community was and this whole culture could simply die, disappear.

宾勒先生同时发现,员工对于减薪的心理阻力在雇主危在旦夕的情况下会化解。Mr Bewley also found that psychological resistance to pay cuts melts when the employer’s survival is at stake.

几日来,她不吃不喝,穷究急思,灵魂就将出壳,生命危在旦夕。Few days, she eat or drink, read all the documents anxious thinking, souls will be hatched, lives are at stake.

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我的姐妹患上肝癌了,生命危在旦夕。怎么样才能找到更好的办法治疗癌症呢?My sister is dying of liver cancer. What can be done to find better cancer treatments? —Becca Hallock, Canton, Conn.

第三类战场上危在旦夕而只要你及时赶到就可以转危为安的事在生活中是什么呢?What are the 3s in your life that are dying on the battlefield but which can still be saved if you reach them in time?

虽然还没有大的养老基金危在旦夕,海克写到,更多的企业会不得存入养老基金更多的现金。While no big pension fund is imperiled, Hackel writes more corporate cash will be have to be deposited in pension funds.

随着带宽的增加以及下载速度的提升,如果仍然没有完善的法律体系,那么娱乐业确实危在旦夕。If this continues as bandwidth increases and download speeds accelerate, the entertainment industry will be left in ruins.

每一个国家和各地人民的安全和稳定——我们的繁荣、我们的健康和我们的安全——危在旦夕。The security and stability of each nation and all peoples -- our prosperity, our health, and our safety -- are in jeopardy.

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好景不长,维多利亚发现伊娃就是那个抢走丹尼尔的人,于是下毒手想除掉伊娃,伊娃的生命危在旦夕。The Victoria found that Eva is the person who take Daniel, he so miserably want to get rid of Eva, Evas life hangs by a thread.

虽然这些生灵极具韧性、但更多却是危在旦夕,只想图个温饱与苟延。Although these creatures are tenacious, there are more dangers waiting for them. It is usually an unfeasible prospect to adequate food.

三峡特色众多,滩涂,激流一狭窄的掠夺者,当然,其中夜间航行在自古以来危在旦夕。The Three Gorges featured numerous shoals, rapids an narrow reiver-course, in which navigation at night was at stake since ancient times.

铁彪见邵扬危在旦夕,实在是别无他法,只有乘夜冒险,企图放走吴霸天,却被淳于雄发现。Puma ShaoYang see iron is hanging by a thread, it is nothing to do, only by night adventure, tried to let wu the day, but ChunYu male found.

环保人士近日指出,位于澳洲西北部海域的一个石油钻井于8月21日爆裂,至今已有大量原油流入帝汶海,数以千计海鸟和海洋生物危在旦夕。A massive oil leak off Australia's northwest coast is killing seabirds and threatening thousands of marine animals, conservationists have warned.

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大金牙誓报杀子之仇,张瑛危在旦夕,游击队员们个个心急如焚,立刻汇合,商量逃脱计划。Big gold teeth oath to kill the death of his son, ying cheung is in danger, the guerrillas were worried and rendezvous, immediately to escape plan.

在这危在旦夕的危情时辰,姜窦冷静应对、灵敏处置,最终胜利地解除险情、返回机场。In the power of love is hanging by a thread or hour, ginger sinus calmly, sensitive disposal, final victory discharge of danger, to return to the airport.

左少在考虑如何拯救危在旦夕的战友,却忽略了其它问题,叶公瑾已经将左少也列入杀无赦的行列。Left in considering how to save less precarious workers, ignoring the other problems, leaves GongJin has left little also included kill without forgiveness.