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一丝快意掠过了他的心头。A happiness swept over him.

我看着这一切,虽然感觉冷得发抖,却也幸福快意。I watched, shivering and happy.

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而平常的快意,是不可靠的。As for ordinary pleasure, it's undependable.

快意、恐惧、自豪一起在他心头翻腾。His mind was boiling with mirth, fear and pride.

敬祝节日欢愉,新年岁事快意如意!With many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year!

当我在洛杉矶加大作学生时,借钱购买了一部细小的快意牌汽车。As a student at UCLA, I bought a small Fiat on borrowed money.

随着每一英里的前行,我越来越感受到一次真正的探险旅游带来的快意。With every mile, I became increasingly comfortable with the true adventure of travel.

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祝你鼠年高兴!万事快意!在新的一年里身材安康!奇迹有成!芝麻着花节节高!I wish you a Happy New Year! All the best! In the new year health! Coming! Zhimakaihua steadily high!

我敬仰他的乐观,赞叹他的坚持,也钦佩他那苦中寻乐的快意人生。I admire his optimism and Praise his insistence , even more admire he can find happiness in the adversity.

向右走,面向大桥,看机遇、理想、财富快意江湖。The next enjoyable thing to do is to seize opportunities for ambition and wealth around the bay bridge area.

汤姆开初认为,凭他的常识、技能以及经验,肯定是可以兴许找到一份快意如意的工作。At first Tom thought that with hellos knowledge, skill and experience he was bound to find a satisfactory job.

在这个过程中,你得到一种全身心的快意,快乐的光环可持续几天不散。What seems to happen along the way is that you get a sort of whole-body orgasm and a glow that lasts for days.

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有时候,挑战痛苦的滋味足以让人奋发,让你体会成功的快意。Sometimes, the challenge pain taste sufficiently lets the human exert oneself, lets you realize successful pleased.

于是,那刚刚孵化的快意戛然而止,代之而起的,像是对即将逝去的哀悼。As a result, it has just hatched Willful screeching halt, replaced by, such as the mourning of the passing away soon.

这是最为快意的爱情报复,曾经炮烙在记忆里,现在我要还击,在他那里种下恶毒的爱情肿瘤。This Fiat is the most love revenge, had in memory, and now I have to fight back, where the seeds of his love vicious tumor.

护士比银行家们更会享受生活,当然,如果有某种宗教信仰,快意的性生活或者是刚毕业的大学生能在附近就近就业,这些也会让人容易感到快乐。Nurses enjoy life more than bankers, and it helps to be religious, sexually active and a college graduate with a short commute to work.

严格地说,在英格兰和威尔士的任何地方野营都是非法的,但快意营员网站列出了“较野”营地。Strictly speaking it is illegal to camp wherever you like in England and Wales, but the Happy Campers website lists "wilder" campsites.

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这一开拓性和创造性的倡议,来自我已经生活了四年的城市,这真让人快意。This is the kind of pioneering and creative initiative I have come to expect from the city that has been my home for the past four years.

河西渔湾市零散分布的十几家旧书店,可以快意地一路淘来。You can go to the dozens of stores of second-hand books scattering in Yuwanshi of Western Xiangjiang River District to select what you like.

人群在快意的恐怖中大气不敢出。三刀断尼克躲在帽子后面吃吃笑着。死刑拖得时间越长,巫师窝的气就越来越难以忍受。The crowd gasped in pleasurable horror. Three -Chop Nick chuckled beneath his hood. The longer this death dragged out, the better the wizard would reward it.