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这里是一个钟摆。I have here a pendulum.

钟摆以摆动计秒。A pendulum vibrates seconds.

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钟摆停止了摆动。The pendulum stopped swinging.

我公司可提供两种类型的钟摆。Two types of pendulums are available.

“我们这里是所有钟摆之母!”“We have here the mother of all pendulums!

我们要做的就像是改变钟摆幅度。Overdoing this class is shifting the pendulum.

那座老钟的钟摆来回地摆动。The pendulum of the old clock swung back and forth.

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尽量不要撞锤摆动的钟摆!Try not to crash into the swinging hammer pendulum!

在这里0,有所有钟摆之母。We have here in 26-100 the mother of all pendulums.

每根绳子就像木竿一样成了钟摆。Each cord was a pendulum, just as each rod had been.

他精神的习性有如钟摆的来回摆动。His habits of mind had the regular swing of a pendulum.

但现在钟摆似乎转到另一方向去了。But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way.

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发“划”的钟摆可以被锁定,变成半自动键的操作模式。The dash pendulum can be "locked" for semi-automatic operation.

我们假设这个钟摆,也没有摩擦。We assumed with the pendulum that there was no friction either.

但是预期拉丁美洲的政治钟摆会开始摇摆。But expect Latin America’s political pendulum to start swinging.

也许他们会屈服,然后钟摆会摆回原来的甜蜜。Maybe they give in, and the pendulum swings back into sweetness.

它们还会像钟摆一样摇摆,像孩子们玩得弹簧单高跷一样跳跃。They also have to swing like pendulums and jump like pogo sticks.

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在老式落地座钟里面有一个大钟摆在摆来摆去。A large pendulum swung back and forth inside the grandfather clock.

,除了,在钟摆上,我们说的l现在是。except that, of course with the pendulum, R what we called l is now R.

在它们内部,并没有摆动的钟摆,也没有手表那样振动的石英晶体。No swinging pendulums or vibrating wristwatch-scale quartz crystals here.