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以后少不得要去向您讨教。I may have to ask for your advice later on.

那你为什么不向你爸爸讨教讨教怎么搭帐篷?。Well, why didn't you ask your dad how to build a tent?

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齐林讨教了如何去处理工作中的障碍或挫折的问题。Qi asked how to deal with obstacles or frustrations at work.

大师进来时,他们纷纷前来讨教这话的含义。When the Master entered, they asked him exactly what the words meant.

有时候人们想的更远一些,向我讨教写作过程中的具体建议。Sometimes people go further, asking for advice on the writing process itself.

“每年都有很多教练来向我讨教紧逼战术的精要,”Pitino说。“I have so many coaches come in every year to learn the press, ” Pitino said.

当你遇到身体的不适或是精神的痛苦时,多去向她讨教讨教,她可以帮你抚平创伤。Turn to her more to help ease your medical discomforts and your mental anguishes.

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十年间,他们成为百万富翁,人们来向史蒂夫讨教。Within ten years, they were millionaires, and people were coming to Steve for advice.

在其15年学习的两年里,他向美国本土的研究狼的专家讨教。He spent 2 of those years in the United States, studying with a native American-wolf expert.

而且我要讨教“还算好”之神怎样帮助我的孩子摒弃力求完美的欲望。And I ask those same gods for advice on how to help my child overcome her need to be flawless.

所以马冬晗向妹妹讨教管理时间的诀窍,并给自己制定了一张很详细的学习计划表。So Ma Donghan learned how to manage time from her sister and designed a detailed schedule for herself.

于是,中国人开始向他们的老祖宗讨教——从古代思想家的故纸堆中翻出点哲学来解释当代世界已然成了时尚。So attempts to apply precepts devised by ancient Chinese philosophers to the modern world are in vogue.

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王女士还没走下舞台,就被有幸尝到了参赛作品的群众围住,讨教其制作秘诀。Yet her off stage, it was fortunate a taste of the masses surrounded entries , for its production secrets.

午饭后,唐司令和三猫等在向村长讨教下一步的山路走法。After lunch, Commander Tang and Tripple Cat were asking direction from the village head about old road ahead of us.

如果您有时间,就与那些您要当面讨教意见的人会晤,至少是与他们在电话中交谈。If you have the time, meet people whose advice you are seeking in person — or at least talk to them over the phone.

有一天,乔恩带加菲猫去见美丽的兽医莉丝,向她讨教管训猫的措施。One day, with Jon Garfield went to see the beautiful veterinary Liz, her advice to the possession of a cat training.

在福吉担任魔法部部长的初期,他还会每天用猫头鹰邮递送信给邓不利多,向他讨教。At the beginning of his tenure as Minister of Magic, he sent Dumbledore owls every day to get advice about what to do.

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伽摩尼王子到了要接受任务的年龄时,他去向老师讨教自己应该要求去哪个地方。When Prince Gamani was old enough for this assignment, he went to his teacher and asked which province he should request.

和父母兄姐谈谈你的学业,并向他们讨教成为一名成功的学习者的方法。Talk to your parents or older brothers and sisters about your work and ask for ideas about how to be a successful learner.

应用收柱地支持工程师应当战记载地工程师讨教为板层决议一个平安地准予临时地背载。The shoring engineer should consult with the engineer of record to determine a safe allowable temporary load for the slab.