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我们带着礼物慰劳士兵。We comforted soldiers with gifts.

还说要去家乐福给他们买好吃的慰劳一下。She also said she would go to Carrefour to get some good food for them.

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不过有时候我还是需要慰劳一下的。妈妈抱的感觉真不错!But sometimes I need some reward. It is really good to be in Mum's arms!

不要吃我的庄稼苗!多年来我宠着你,你却不给我一点慰劳。Don't eat my crops, I serve you for many years, but you don't take care me.

在发薪水的日子我们聚在一起,吃一顿大餐慰劳自己。We join in the paychecks of the day, eat a big meal treat yourself a little.

多年来我辛苦侍奉你,你却一点也不慰劳我。I have served you for many years , but you are never willing to comfort me even once.

如果你的进步比预想的大,千万不要用放慢速度的做法来慰劳自己。If you make more progress than you thought you would, don't compensate by slowing down.

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行直见母亲与姑母司徒恩恩今天甚为繁忙,便决定亲自下厨慰劳家人。Straight line to see mother and aunt SiTuEnEn very busy today, the family decided to do.

“你真体贴,还想着我的演讲,”我回答道,“也许过会儿你就得用麦当劳的巨无霸汉堡来慰劳我了。”I know you’ll do well.” “That’s very considerate of you to be thinking about my speech,” I replied.

当天结束时,动物园管理员给了他一份丰厚的奖赏以慰劳他出色的吸引力。At the end of the day the zoo keeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a good attraction.

当地老百姓杀猪宰羊慰劳八路军战士。The local people butchered pigs and sheep to express their gratitude to the Eighth Route Army soldiers.

希西家慰劳一切善于事奉耶和华的利未人。Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites, who showed good understanding of the service of the Lord.

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孩子们会在鞋中放上草料和食物来慰劳驼礼物的驯鹿。The children would fill their shoes with straw and food for St Nicholas's for the reindeer that carried the gifts.

平时工作忙碌碌,趁着五一狂购物。两手不空满载归,慰劳自己绝不误!Busy work at ordinary times the importance, while 51 crazy shopping. Not empty hands full, treat yourself never miss!

在一天的繁忙公务后,您应好好慰劳自己,在驻地钢琴家的悠扬音符与魅力歌手的绕梁歌声中,欢度一个美妙的夜晚。Serenade yourself in the evenings after a hard day of work with the tinkling notes of our resident pianist and charming singers.

“你真体贴,还想着我的演讲,”我回答道,“也许过会儿你就得用麦当劳的巨无霸汉堡来慰劳我了。”"That's very considerate of you to be thinking about my speech, " I replied. "You may need to console me later with a Big Mac from McDonalds. "

不管怎样,先登上来以慰劳自己绘制这项作业时的疲累,之后就先摆在一旁,过阵子再回头来修啰!Anyways I am posting it to comfort myself for exhaustion on this assignment, and I am going to put it aside for a while before having it fixed and done.

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上下这样地互相体恤,就是最团结的表现。打了胜仗就高奏凯歌,表达喜庆的心情。结束战争后,高筑“灵台”集会,慰劳民众,表示从此开始休养生息。They stored away the implements of war, erected the Spirit Terrace, and celebrate the end of labors of the people and to show that time for rest had come.

坦白说,我对庆功或是慰劳宴兴趣不大,但是为了满足他们的要求,我答应到广州参加“神话”的庆功宴。I am not really a big fan of such parties and celebrations, but I wanted to satisfy them so I promised to go there for the celebration dinner for The Myth.

汇海得知此事大赞司徒舜及力行表现出色,为庆祝钱生钱太于逸名轩和好如初,便于酒店内举行派对慰劳大家。Sinks to the sea praised SiTuShun and dynamics performance, to celebrate the money too to escape a hin reconciliation, facilitating the hotel we have a party.