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切莫打草惊蛇。A snake in the grass.

我知道如何不打草惊蛇。I know how to be invisible.

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他的第二个冲动是不必打草惊蛇。His second impulse therefore was to let sleeping dogs lie.

你计划怎么阻止他?切莫打草惊蛇,事情变得有趣极了。How do you plan on stopping him? Don't sweat them, this is got exciting.

由此产生了“打草惊蛇”这个成语。The above story provided the idiom "Beat the grass and startle the snake".

到时不只打草惊蛇,也会令夫人不快。By that time not cause undesired agitation, will also the your wife isn't rapid.

消息指她们都比平日“格外小心”,以免打草惊蛇,故媒体也未能得知她们的身份。News that they are usual "be careful", so as not to arouse his suspicions, so the media also failed to learn their identities.

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但这些人的家人没有受到盘问,以免打草惊蛇,他们都已经在安全机构监控之下。But these people's family has not been questioned, so as not to arouse his suspicions, they have been monitored in the security agencies.

谢创向乔老太太汇报了夏晚晴被骗的真相,莫凌天让快递寄去华朗集团的辞职信,夏正朗不想打草惊蛇。Thanks to the old lady and Joe report the summer sun yat sen villa were tricked into truth, MoLing day let Courier to group resignation, XiaZhengLang dont want to startle.

奥巴马政府向南韩西海派出飞机编队协助南韩打草惊蛇了,关键的是这批编队四天后移到日本———随时待命返程,不知道我们的政府到底卖的什么药。It was also important that the carrier moved on to Japan after four days — ready to return if needed. We are not sure that the administration has much of a strategy beyond that.

张敢为找狗娃表达歉意,说红军打算乘夜出城疾走,不能打草惊蛇,你还是先留在县长任上,狗娃很沮丧。Zhang dare to find gowardesh expressed regret, says the reds are going to take a night scoot out of the city, cant startle, you still stay in the first county magistrate ren, gowardesh very depressed.