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你为一些琐屑的事情进行大的选举。You make a big election about small things.

回到我的琐屑之中,忙碌着,这是我无以省略的。Back to my trivial, busy, this is me to omit.

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这是使这一进程是没有举行了琐屑的原因。This is so that the process is not held up for frivolous reasons.

琐屑的颂词形成选民的报告的属性。Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.

琐屑的颂词形成选民的报告的属性。Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent’s report.

琐屑的颂文形成选平易近的陈诉的属性。trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent's report.

琐屑的颂词形成选民的报告的属性。Trivial tributes constitute the attribute of constituent' s report.

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哪怕在这些看来琐屑的事情中,似乎女同的大脑跟男性相似。Even in this apparently trivial matter, it seems, lesbians have male-like brains.

我抛弃了琐屑、庸碌的一生,把自己交给了牺牲与祈祷的生活。I abandoned the trivial, mediocre life, give yourself to sacrifice and pray for life.

柏林——就手工艺品而论,它们不过是一些琐屑细物——旧钱包、扑克牌、提灯。BERLIN — As artifacts go, they are mere trinkets — an old purse, playing cards, a lantern.

但是那些中间的段落,那些不属于初吻或葬礼的琐屑则会慢慢模糊。Most everything in the middle, what is not a first kiss or a funeral, recedes into a blur.

更罔论是谈不适当的话,或是无聊琐屑的事了。How much worse it would be if we are saying inappropriate things or engaging in idle chatter.

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这些生活小事虽然琐屑,但我会把点点滴滴都记在我的心里面。Although the nature of these living things, but the little bit I will have in mind in my heart.

虽然你的前景极其鼓舞人心,在你世界中的某些东西似乎正在变得有点儿琐屑。Though your outlook is extremely encouraging, something in your world seems to be getting a little silly.

在没有传染性的情况下,比如糖尿病和高血压病而服药也是琐屑的事情。And taking medicines for non-infectious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure is also a chore.

在没有传染性的情况下,比如糖尿病和高血压病而服药也是琐屑的事情。And taking medicines for non- infectious conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure is also a chore.

或许,我见到阳光的日记越来越少了,那我继续做这些琐屑的事情还有什么用处呢?Perhaps, I saw less and less sunlight diary, and then I continue to do these trivial things that are useless?

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这个琐屑形成了围绕恒星带有两极的壳,位于最明亮的光发射点附近。This debris forms a bipolar shell around the star, which lies near the brightest point of the optical emission.

家庭琐屑便往往触他之怒。他待我渐渐不同往日。Therefore, he was prone to get furious even on family chores and treated me differently than he had been in the past.

在两个不懂得品味孤独之美的人之间,爱必流于琐屑和平庸。Love must stay in the shade of trivialism and mediocrity between two people who never learn to enjoy the lure of solitude.