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人治的宽容度最小,甚至不具有宽容性。Rule by man is the least tolerant, and even it is not tolerant at all.

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他会象格列弗在里里普特那样,被无数矮小的人治服。He is like Gulliver at Liliput overwhelmed by an enormous number of a little men.

受伤的吴永乐碰到了路过的李彪,他恳求李彪给本人治伤。The injured WuYongLe met passing LiBiao, he entreated LiBiao for myself to injury.

愿耶和华万人之灵的神,立一个人治理会众。Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation.

美国的缔造者之一曾说,美国应该是“一个法治而非人治的政府”。America’s, said one of its founders, should be “a government of laws and not of men”.

人治的宽容度最小,甚至不具有宽容性。它往往就是皇帝或国王或其他专制统治者依其个人意志统治着人民。Rule by man is the least tolerant, and even it is not tolerant at all. It is sometime.

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过于依赖道德,囿于自律,是人治的突出特征。Relying on moral self-discipline excessively is an obvious characteristic of rule by man.

就这么一下子,你就可以用球自身的速度和力量给对手还以颜色,以其人治道,还治其人。With that, one can easily return the opponent’s favor with the ball’s own velocity and force.

以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China’s justice reforms.

人治在形式上表现为掌权者个人意志之治,实质上则是不受法律制约的绝对权力之治。The Rule of Man is nominally the rule of ruler's personal will, substantially the rule of absolute power.

法治和民主总是联为一体的,就如专制与人治不可分割一样。Government by law is always integrated with democracy as government by the indi- vidual is with autocracy.

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在人治国家,最高掌权者的个人意志在社会政治生活中具有本原性与至上性,在理念与现实中均先于、高于法律。The ruler's personal will is the source of political life in the country of Rule of Man and higher than laws.

在“一国两制”的政策下,澳门享有“澳人治澳”、高度自治的权利。In the "two systems" policy Macau enjoys "Macao people administering Macao" and a high degree of autonomy rights.

中国传统政治文化存在整体主义、等级制和人治主义的历史积弊。It has difference in political system, political value view between Chinese political culture and Western political culture.

我们将坚持“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,同广大香港同胞、澳门同胞一道促进香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。We will join hands with compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to promote the long-term prosperity and stability of both regions.

我们将坚持“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治的方针,同广大香港同胞、澳门同胞一道,共同维护香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。We will join hands with compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to safeguard the long-term prosperity and stability of both regions.

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要搞好人治,就得严以治吏,从严治吏又要先严上官,更要做好选拔人才、培养人才的工作。The first is strict with high officials and the more important is doing the work well which selects and cultivates the gifted person.

违宪审查所包含的限权理念是难为人治社会所容忍的。The idea of limiting the power that is included in the constitutional review is difficult to be accepted by the person-ruling society.

“清官情结”作为君主与人治情怀的浓缩在民众心目中依然挥之不去。"Honest and upright official complex"as the condense of the emperor and the rule of men feelings is still in existence among the demos.