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我方收到了标号为CL818的那批订货。We received our order No. CL 818 yesterday.

这个名字也可以是使用的方法标号。The name can also be the number of the method to use.

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枚举队列标号和路径名称的长度最大值。Enumerates the maximum length for a queue label and pathname.

重要更改的步骤已被标号并且在下面描述。Significantly changed steps are numbered and described below.

使用粗体,斜体,子弹头形状或标号的清单来拆分页面Use bold, italics, bullets and numbered lists to break up the page.

它在上中下三处以12标号的钢丝拉紧起来。It was strung at top, center and bottom on 12-gauge spring steel wire.

请尽快给我浅绿色的色标号和图片文件。The light green Pantong No and Art worts, please send them to me asap!

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不可将无标号的接线端当成其它导线的“结点”。Unlabelled terminals must not be used as "tie points" for other wires.

我现在给你方写信是关于我方收到的标号为CL818的那批订货。I am writing with reference to order No. CL 818 which we received yesterday.

本发明产品标号达100号以上,适于高层建筑使用,而且生产成本较低。The grade of product may reach No. 100 and it is suitable for high building.

每个快递员都有一张表,显示路径标号和地址。Each delivery man has a table with a route number on it and the mail to deliver.

什麽是诈骗、标号系统和贸易的其他迂迴工具?What are the swindles , the marking systems, and other devious tools of the trade?

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但也不排除水泥标号过高,导致瓷砖开裂。But also do not eliminate cement grade exorbitant , bring about ceramic tile craze.

所有东西向的州际高速公路都用偶数标号,数字从南往北递增。All east-west interstate highways are even-numbered and increase from south to north.

这些不同的标号将被代表的按钮在GUI中。These different labellings will then be represented by the buttons present in the GUI.

这是一种鼻尖专用的测试法,对于不同标号钢材均可区分。This is a special tip test method, for different grades of steel can be distinguished.

当它拦截事件时,插件检索文件名并更改其标号。When it intercepts the event, the plug-in retrieves the file name and changes its label.

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分析器的工作是分离一串文本并返回一个标号流。The analyzer's job is to take apart a string of text and give you back a stream of tokens.

在下列每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其字母标号填入括号中。Choose from the given choices the correct one and write the corresponding letter in the brackets.

标号为2032,2025和2016的这类电池,在造成的严重损伤中所占的比例在百分之九十以上。Batteries numbered 2032, 2025 and 2016 are responsible for more than 90 percent of serious injuries.