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三十年斗转星移。Three decades passed.

斗转星移,春来秋去,转眼间30年过去了。Time flies and 30 years have passed before one realizes it.

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斗转星移,世博会已经走过了158个春秋。Time goes by and the World Expo has gone through 158 years.

斗转星移,人类社会纷纭复杂、充满变数。The human society is full of complexity and diversification.

地球斗转星移,形成周期的白天和黑夜。Our planet rotates on its axis, creating cycles of day and night.

时光荏苒,斗转星移,许多年就这样过去了。How time flies, it has been ten years since the last time I saw him.

斗转星移,时光飞速,转眼间,我们已将面临找工作。Inexorably, time rapid, since then, we have will face looking for a job.

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斗转星移,物种会产生其他的物种,这样依次发展又会产生别的不同物种。Across time, species can give rise to other species, which can in turn give rise to others.

斗转星移,七妹的公司成立了,名叫“春雨药材公司”。Inexorably, seven sister company set up, is called spring rain medicinal materials company.

斗转星移,岁月更迭,古老的鄂尔多斯今朝换新颜。Bottle turn the star moves, years alternate, old E Er is much this now is changed new colour.

时代变迁,斗转星移,回首飞龙已经走过了二十余载的风雨历程。With the times past, looking back, Feilong has already walked twenties years way with wind and rain.

从机场出发的路上,你很快就会对中国斗转星移的改变泄气。Yet your sense of marvel at China's transformation is easily deflated on the drive from the airport.

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斗转星移,如今,偶尔还可以遇上马帮,听到清脆的马铃声。Today, occasionally, you may still see a caravan passing by and hear the clear jingling of horse bells.

时光的斗转星移可以旋走多少不眠之夜,但唯有那份真挚的追求永远铭刻在心。Time and tide might sweep away sleepless nights, but not the sincere pursuit of the cause engraved on our mind.

岁月轮回之间,斗转星移,太乙冰洞逐渐成为了江湖隐秘门派万兽门的巢穴。Between the years of reincarnation, passing of night, Taiyi ice gradually became the arena beasts secret martial door den.

斗转星移,日升月落。手中抓不住的,除了沙,流水、时间,一切一切。没有哪个是属于自己的么?As time goes by, fail to grasp the hands of the matter, in addition to sand, water, time and whatever. Which isn't their own?

自此以后,数百年过去,斗转星移,法国香水声名远扬,愈来愈成为经典和永恒的代名词。Since then, with each century that passes, French perfume gains more and more of a reputation for being classic, universal and timeless.

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千百年来,斗转星移,沧海桑田,多少语汇老去,这个词却依然焕发着让人怦然心动的生命力。For thousands of years , the passage of time, marshes, how many old vocabulary, the word is still glow with the vitality of people to resist.

时光荏苒,斗转星移,时空变换,唯一不变的依然是那心中的想往。No matter how time flies, no maater how the nights goes by, no matter how space switches, what has never been changed is the yearn in the heart.

斗转星移,一个极具天赋的婴儿诞生了,他有着对梦想的使命和力量去将梦想实现。With every changing of the stars, a baby is born who has the greatest of gifts, a heart and a mission to dreams and the power to bring them to live.