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他矢口否认这个指控。He flatly denied the charge.

江川问其是否有中国姑娘,小岛矢口否认。Jiangchuan is there a Chinese girl, ask the island denied.

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究竟银行在矢口否认地自我圆场,还是具有确证据凿的原因可以乐观起来?Are banks in denial or do they have genuine cause for optimism?

两个案子中,被指称发帖的女性都矢口否认。In both cases the women accused of posting the profiles denied it.

既然嘉莉矢口否认,为自己辩解,他对嘉莉的信赖又大大恢复了。He was regaining much confidence as Carrie defended herself with denials.

然而当问及他们是否支持歧视时,他们矢口否认。When asked whether they support discrimination, however, they issue a blanket denial.

李亚红身高175厘米,三年前她与易建联的关系曾被媒体曝光,但她那时矢口否认。Li, 175cm, was exposed as Yi's girlfriend 3 years ago but she denied the relationship then.

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当被问及为什么要保持沉默时,哈尼姆说“是因为梅米特的缘故”,然而后来她又矢口否认。Asked why she kept silent, she said "the reason was Mehmet", but that she later changed her story.

他们指责威伦廷和他的朋友是敌对帮派的人,在威伦廷矢口否认后,这伙儿人扑向了他俩。They accused the friends of belonging to a rival gang and, when Walentin denied it, set upon the two.

然而他在质疑德黑兰发展核武时仍面临严峻挑战—伊朗对核武之事矢口否认。But he also confronts challenges from Iran amid fears that Tehran is seeking a nuclear weapon — charges Iran denies.

他离职退休后,警方希望传唤他讯问,不过他矢口否认一切违法事务。After he left office, the police said they wished to question him. Mr Roh denied that anything untoward had happened.

当然,如果你将这一观点告诉华府的经济学精英,他们会矢口否认这一指控。Of course, if you make this point to one of the elite economists in Washington, they would scoff and deny the charge.

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可预测的中共高压政策和有可能对所有批评的矢口否认是毫无疑问的中风。This predictable CCP line highhandedly and conveniently dismisses all criticism in one supposedly unrefutable stroke.

警方表示,本次暗访被曝光的3名黑医中的一名已经受到警方的审问但他对指控矢口否认,而警方目前还没有对相关人士采取逮捕行动。Police said one of the three doctors had been questioned and denied the allegations, but that no arrests had been made.

他知道赵姗带着明回她父母家的事,所以认定他们之间有暧昧关系,赵姗矢口否认。He knows Ming has gone with her to see her parents and accuses her of having an affair with him, which Zhao Shan denies.

他质问妻子,她很快的矢口否认,但保罗并不相信她是无辜的,所以他开始暗中监控娜莉。He asks his wife who soon clears that matter. He is not fully convinced of his wife's innocence and keeps a watch on her.

苏联对此矢口否认,指责德国嫁祸于人,并同要求查明真相的波兰在伦敦的流亡政府断交。Meanwhile, the revelation led to the end of diplomatic relations between Moscow and the London-based Polish government-in-exile.

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英国卫生部长在1993年还矢口否认艾丽森-威廉姆斯所面临的危险性,这位年轻的威尔士女人最后进入昏迷。Britain's chief medical officer was still denying any risk in 1993 as Alison Williams, the young Welsh woman, drifted into a stupor.

批评人士表示,该公司从中国政府幕后的帮助中大大受益,尽管华为公司对此矢口否认。Critics say the company has benefited greatly from behind-the-scenes assistance from the government although Huawei fiercely denies that.

材料中没有任何文字记载证明外国人所说的情况符合事实,警察局长矢口否认这一指控。There was nothing in the record to show that the foreigner's complaint was justified and the Chief of Police stoutly denied the accusation.