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我喜欢弗罗姆,和他打成一片。I liked Fromm and identified with him.

干部必须和群众打成一片。A cadre must become one with the masses.

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交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。Try to make friends with all kindsof people.

和你的朋友以及熟人打成一片。Tap into your network of friends and acquaintances.

他是一位和蔼可亲的教师,能与学生们打成一片。He is a kindly teacher, mucking in with his students.

交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。Don't pick and communicate, you should talk and play with all.

和你的同事、邻居和身边的人多多交谈甚至打成一片。Reach out and talk to your peers, neighbors and those around you.

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上了二楼,也是热闹非凡,老师和学生打成一片!On the second floor, is also bustling, teachers and students mingle!

知识分子应该和工农兵打成一片。Intellectuals should identify with the workers, peasants and soldiers.

有个建议是在发言前与听众打成一片——一个可怕的想法。One tip is to mingle with the audience before a speech – a horrible idea.

但与人民打成一片正是贝卢斯科尼先生固有的亲民做派。But contact with the people is intrinsic to Mr Berlusconi's populist style.

温家宝一直喜欢塑造和人民打成一片的形象。Mr Wen has always delighted in an officially fostered man-of-the-people image.

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每当看见一大群小孩子们蹦蹦跳跳的样子,我就多想和他们打成一片啊!How much I want to play with the happy children when I see them prancing lively.

第五项原则是与当地社区打成一片,传播你的价值观。The fifth principle is to engage with local communities and communicate your values.

交际不要挑肥拣瘦,应该和各种各样的人打成一片。Do not be picky in the social intercourse . Try to make friends with all kinds of people.

独自去上学可以帮助大一新生们在短时间内同新同学打成一片。Going to school on her own helped the freshman quickly blend in with her new schoolmates.

我认为我可能永远都无法和当地人打成一片,但是大部分人对我还是很友好的。I don't think I would ever "fitin" with the locals, but most people are certainly kind to me.

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我很能和孩子打成一片,所以我想教幼儿园到小学三年级的孩子。I'm very good with kids, so teaching somewhere between kindergarten through like third grade.

我和匹兹堡及该州中部较小城市的居民很容易打成一片。I related well to the people in Pittsburgh and in the smaller cities in the middle of the state.

虽然有时有些高傲,但我十分喜欢结交朋友并与他们打成一片。Although sometimes some supercilious , I like knot to make friend very and get along well with them.