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在这些新朋友中,有不少中国的棋友。Among the new friends, there are also renju friends from China.

每个棋手都有权力自由地选择结交棋友。It is every renju players right and free choice to make friends.

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自动找对手会排除与坏人棋友的配对。Automatic search for opponent would rule-out players from your blacklist.

在对话窗中,于棋友帐号上按滑鼠右键选「交谈」。In the dialogue window, right click on any player's ID and select "Talk".

白下的过远,仍是黑必胜棋局,但一开始仍炫惑不少棋友。This is another confusing move. Since White plays too far away, Black wins.

在「我要找对手」列表中,于棋友帐号上按滑鼠右键选「交谈」。In the "Looking for an opponent" list, right click on any player's ID and select "Talk".

在「线上棋社成员」的视窗中,于棋友帐号上按滑鼠右键选「交谈」。In the "Online Go Club Member" window, right click on any player's ID and select "Talk".

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在棋友帐号上按滑鼠右键选「邀局」,或以左键双击帐号。Right click on player's account and select "invite an opponent" or double click it directly.

LGS除了下棋、观棋之外,还可以在交谈窗中和棋友聊天。Besides playing and observing, LGS dialogue window could also be used to chat with friends online.

请棋友用新密码进站后,将密码改变成较为熟悉的组合,以免日后遗忘。Users log in with the new password, and change the password into familiar combinations in case forgotten.

利用语音指导棋帮助比较初学或棋力较弱的棋友学习围棋。Use voice communication to give instructions, helping beginners or weaker players to learn the game better.

LGS设计了个人简讯功能,方便您留讯息给不在线上的棋友。LGS designs the function of personal messages, so you can leave messages to those players who are not online.

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吕元膺之所以要辞掉这位棋友,是由于他从这位棋友挪动一个棋子,搞了一个奸诈的小动作中发现了他的不诚信。The reason for the subordinate's expulsion was his dishonesty, which Lv had sensed from his stealthily moving a piece of chess.

进站后可以在任何您所看见正在线上的棋友帐号上,按滑鼠右键选「观看棋局」即可观看该棋友正在对奕的棋局。You may right click on any of your friends, who are currently online, and select "Observe" to watch them play after logging in.

您在进站后可以在任何您所看见正在线上的棋友帐号上按滑鼠右键选「交谈」,即可进行一对一的单独交谈。Log on to LGC, you may right click on any online player's ID and select "Talk", then you may engage in one-on-one conversations.

在查询「棋友资讯」时,按显示图片下方的「功能」,选「留信息」亦可传送简讯给该棋友。When checking the information of the player, you can also send a message by pressing the button of "Function" and choose "To leave a message.

您在进站后可以在任何棋友帐号上按滑鼠右键选「留信息」,编辑完内容后点选「送出」即可。You can press the right key of your mouse on any player's name and choose"To leave a message" and press "Sending" after you finish your message.

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对于每个棋手来说,最开心的事就是认识棋友了,尤其是那些能让我们学到东西,或者能和我们分享五子棋经历的朋友。For every renju player, it is most wonderful thing to have renju friends, especially those we can learn something from and share renju experience.

之后,赫夫纳除了亲力亲为办好杂志、款待家人以及影视圈好友和西洋双陆棋棋友外,一直在筹划这场婚礼。Since then Hefner has been planning the nuptials in between serving as hands-on editor of Playboy and entertaining family and friends at movie screenings and backgammon games.

在观局时,若同时观看2盘以上棋局,棋盘上方会出现每盘观局的分页标签,棋友可依棋局编号点选棋盘上方的分页标签来切换观看。In observation mode, when watching 2 or more games at the same time, tags would be shown above the chessboard, users may switch between matches by the numbered tags above the chessboard.