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破晓你悄然离去。And at day break you leave.

不过一场争论还是悄然临近了。But a face-off may be looming.

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小船悄然滑过。Silently the boat glided past.

九月悄然给我们捎来了一丝秋意。With September comes a sense of autumn.

母亲辞世后不久,父亲也紧随其后,悄然离去。her mother died and her father followed.

五年后,彼得悄然地溜回来给我。Five years later, Peter snuck back for me.

我们很容易让自己的梦想从身边悄然滑过。It's so easy to let your dreams slip away.

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岁月几度苍桑,若梦里,青春悄然降临。Years of history, a dream, youth has come.

于是,网络虚拟货币“比特币”悄然登场。Enter Bitcoin, the online virtual currency.

这种平行世界确实在悄然兴起。Such a parallel universe is indeed emerging.

二毛却见在人多之时悄然而退。Two hairs but see in February when the back.

可惜历史并没有等他剪彩,一战的炮声就悄然打响了。It was a shame that the war started without him.

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一个星期悄然逝去,他连一个字也没写出来。One week slipped away, but he wrote out nothing.

唯一清楚的是,霹雳猫们都已经悄然走啦。The only sure thing? Thundercats were totally go.

1995年张爱玲的悄然辞世,再度掀起一阵“张热”。Eileen Chang's death in 1995 raised another fever.

一切都在悄然改变,弹指间,梦已远。Everything is changing, fingertips, dream has far.

杰克悄然接近琼斯,占据第三的位置。Jack stole up on Jones to take the third position.

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泪悄然下落汇成爱的那片海。Tears quietly falling merged into a love of the sea.

当我们让思想如此繁忙时,生活是否悄然而过?Is life passing us by as we keep our minds super-busy?

有一天她悄然离去,带走了我的阳光。One day she left without a word. She took away the sun.