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我女朋友和我豁出去了。My girlfriend and I are taking the plunge.

哈什尔来这里把一切都豁出去了。Harshire is risking everything by coming here.

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他又害怕,又有一种豁出去的勇气,说话时声音都发颤了。His voice was shaking with fear and a desperate courage.

实际上他还开始开玩笑似地谈到豁出去干一场的念头。Indeed, he began to toy with the idea of going for broke.

但是今年,在最后一季,欧普拉打算豁出去了。But this year, in her final season, Oprah's going all out.

这次我也豁出去了,到五星级大饭店请你们吃一顿。I'll shoot the works this time by giving you a treat in a five-star hotel.

豁出去了,要真的失败了,我们大不了从头开始。Throw caution to the wind, in case of failure, we just start from scratch again.

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可是为了你我豁出去了,你会看到它会使罗西怎么想你的。But for you I shall make it, and you shall see how it makes Rosy to think of you.

他决定豁出去了,不带安全帽就骑摩托。Throwing caution to the wind, he decided to ride his motorcycle without a helmet.

如果你想成为一名成功的赛马选手,有时必须豁出去撞大运。If you want to be a successful race driver, sometimes you have to press your luck.

为何不试着将自己豁出去,心甘情愿地不介意否会受伤?Why not try throwing yourself forward, being willing not to mind that it's going to hurt?

不要不顾一切豁出去,但你可以做好准备。也不要告诉所有人你将在做什麽。Don't throw caution to the wind quite yet, but you can get ready. Don't tell everybody what you're up to, either.

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所以我想,就不如豁出去,刺了一堆刺青,这样我就永远不用被迫坐办公室了。So I figured, might as well go for it, and get a bunch of tattoos so that way I will never be forced to sit in an office

自己必须为自己努力,有付出才有收获,努力才会成功,立即行动,豁出去了!Themselves must be our own efforts, there are pay only harvest, efforts can be successful, immediate action, takes numerous!

我对希特勒的行为十分厌恶。我决定豁出去了,为了证明谁才是真正的优等民族。认识所有恒友,马上开通自己家园。Angry about Hitler's ways, I determined to go out there and really show Der Fuhrer and his master race who was superior and who wasn't.

理想情况下,好结果将大于坏结果,但是,除非你把自己豁出去,你将永远不会达到这一点,做最坏的打算。Ideally, the good stuff will outweigh the bad, but you'll never reach that point unless you put yourself out there and hope for the best.

倒霉到家的尼克火大豁出去了,竟然反过来挟持五短胆小的泰伦斯,一路从加州狂奔至亚利桑那州。Nick Huoda takes numerous hapless home, and even timid in turn, held hostage by five short Terrence, all the way from the mad rush to California, Arizona.