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淬硬工具钢。Hardened tool steel.

天平是用工具钢制成的。This balance is made of tool steel.

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分析了高速工具钢冷、温拔变形特点。The characteristics of deformation of H. S.

工具钢通常要用球化来提高切削性。Tool steels are normally spheroidized to improve machinability.

对一种新型合金工具钢的渗氮特性进行了初步研究。Nitrided characteristics of a new kind alloys tool steel are investigated.

闭式锻模采用特殊的耐热、耐磨工具钢制成。The dies are made of special heat-resistant and wear-resistant tool steels.

手动进给容易且使用寿命长,适用于合金工具钢及一般钢的切割。Extended cutting capabilitym, esaer hand-feed and longer tool life are realized.

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最后对工具钢合金化及热处理质量控制问题进行了介绍。Finally on tool steel alloying and heat treatment quality control problems were introduced.

首先介绍工具钢的种类及其工作条件和性能要求。The paper presents the type and working conditions and performance requirements of tool steel.

对碳素工具钢采用不同浓度的氯化钙水溶液进行淬火。The carbon tool steel was quenched into the different concentration of calcium chloride watery solution.

马氏本,马登斯体一种由铁和高达百分之一的碳组成的溶液,是硬化碳工具钢的主要成分。A solid solution of iron and up to1 percent of carbon, the chief constituent of hardened carbon tool steels.

试验结果显示,各种试片在乾磨耗状态下,以热处理硬化之SK5碳工具钢耐磨耗性最佳。The result shows that on the condition of the dry wearing, the wear-resistance of hardening SK5 is the best.

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合金工具钢材质经热处理,研磨齿形开槽刀,硬度和韧性俱佳。Alloy toll steel via heat treatment, the rubbing and saw-tooth blade features superior hardness and tenacity.

像钼一样形成强碳化物,主要是工具钢在高温保持硬度。Tungsten. Like molybdenum forms hard carbides which preserve the hardness of tool steels at high temperature.

适用于合金钢、碳素钢及工具钢等经过调质的高硬度材料的攻牙加工。Suitable for tapping threads in high hardened materials such as alloyed steels , carbon steels and tool steels.

是印刷业开切书籍、簿册必备刀具,材质有合金钢和高速合金工具钢。They are essential for trimming various of book and pamphlet. Their edge made of alloy stell or High-alloy stell.

黑色工具材料以铁为基材,包括工具钢,合金钢,碳钢,铸铁。Ferrous tool materials have iron as a base metal and include tool steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, and cast iron.

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共晶碳化物分布的不均匀性是反映工具钢质量的重要指标之一。The unevenness of eutectic carbide distribution is one of the important factors that effect the quality of tool steel.

适于加工淬火钢、工具钢、不锈钢、铸铁、硬质合金及超硬材料磨具的修整。Suitable for processing chilled steel, tool steel, stainless steel, cast steel, carbide and dressing super hard materials.

对碳素工具钢T8A采用循环热处理晶粒超细化后对冲裁模具寿命的影响进行了试验研究。The influence of cyclic heat treatment on the life of punching and shearing dies made of carbon tool steel T8A was studied.