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或许他似乎察觉到了西王母的不满。He seemed to sense her disapproval.

“这段引文非常有趣,”西王母说。"The quotation is funny, " she said.

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西王母神话来自西方,学界几无异词。It is obvious that the Western Queen Mythology comes from western culture.

但是西王母没有提到这个,这对嫦娥或者后羿来说都是很大的打击。But the Queen Mother of the West hadn't mentioned it, so it came as quite a shock to both Change and Houyi.

摇钱树佛像的性质与西王母神灵相似,可称为“佛神模式”。The nature of the Buddha figure of a money tree is similar to that of the spirit of Queen Mother of the West.

由于西王母的教导,曾经有些蓝龙的上级成员得以用同一个肉身活过数百年的时光。Based on her teachings, advanced members of the Blue were able to live in the same bodies for hundreds of years.

东王公与西王母相会传说来源于战国时周穆王与西王母的故事。It is said that this legend originated from the stories about King Muwang and West Queen in the warring States Period.

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西王母向前迈出一步。这个叫彼得的年轻人握住了她的手,领着她走进了星船。大门在他们身后关闭了。Si Wang-mu stepped forward. The young man named Peter took her hand and led her into the starship. The door closed behind them.

西王母及其侍从九尾狐毁灭的那一面,在道教的视觉形象和文本材料中褪去了。The destructive aspect of the Queen Mother and the nine-tailed fox in her retinue both faded in Daoist visual and textual materials.

据说她偷吃了从西王母那里得到的长生不老之药,成了仙,飞上了月宫。Legend has it that she swallowed an elixir stolen from the Grand Old Lady of the West, became an immortal and flew to the moon palace.

一些中古文献中,阴的力量使狐狸得以成精,但同样它也是西王母得以长生所需要的“养分”The same yin force that demonized the fox also nourished the Queen Mother of the West on her path to immortality in some medieval texts

昆仑丘与西王母以及与之有关联的众多神话人物,构成中国神话的一个庞大家族。The Kunlun Hills, the Queen Mother of the West, along with numerous myths and legends, constitute a major unit in the Chinese mythology.

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文章认为,以西王母和昆仑神话体系为中心,构成四川汉代神话图像中最具象征意义的特点。It further argues that the myth of the Queen Mother of the West and the Kunlun myth have been represented well in the images of the Han Dynasty in Sichuan.

中国的战争女神最初是西王母,随着西王母的仙话化,九天玄女成为战争女神并最后定型。The original war goddess in China was the Queen Mother of the West Xiwangmu at first. But as she gradually became a myth, Jiutian Xuannu became the final image of war goddess instead.

西王母的传说最早见于战国文献,而西王母与东王公一并被祀奉则发生在东汉时期。The legend of West Queen was first seen in the literature of the Warring States Period, but the fact that both West Queen and East Duke receive offerings occurred in the East Han Dynasty.

可以说慈惠堂西王母信仰是道教在明清衰微后,以另一种通俗化的形式在民间继续活动与传播。It is can be said that beliefs in Hsi Wang-Mu in the Cihuitang is a kind of popular Daoism functions and spreads among the common masses after Daoism declined during the Ming and Qing dynasties.