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商办采木实质上是一种加于商人的封建徭役。In fact, it was a kind of obligation of businessman.

希望能远离长城,找到一个没有徭役的地方。He wanted a place without conscripting far away from the Great Wall.

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在有的朝代,酒税还与徭役及其他税赋形式有关。In some dynasties, liquor tax with corvee and other tax related forms.

我儿子在水师徭役了三年。他回家的那天对我来说真是个大喜的日子。It was areal red letter day for me when my son came home from there years in the navy.

第二部分论述了蒙文档案所反映的清代喀喇沁左旗苏木及苏木徭役。Second, It discusses the township and township corvee wicn were reflected by Mongol archives.

户籍法是一个政权加强对民众户籍管理,维系赋税征收和徭役佥派的重要规范。Census law is important in adjusting and regulating the position, right and duty of the individuals.

水旱灾害、征赋徭役给沂蒙人民带来的灾难,在一些诗文中也有真实的反映。It also truely reflects the sufferings to Yimeng people from flood and drought , taxes and gratuitous labors.

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啬夫的职责包括厘定户口,收取赋税,征发徭役,接受诉讼,监控人口流动等等。They have the duty including controling household register, collecting taxes Judging the litigation and so on.

这些政策有利于增殖人口、征发徭役和户口税,发展封建经济。These policies conducive to proliferation population, then, the development and the residence corvee tax feudal economy.

该文对我国第一个封建帝国——秦代的赋税与徭役制度进行实证性的考稽。With some facts, this article observes and studies the corvée and taxes system in the first feudal empire of our country—Qin Dynasty.

村民为躲避战乱和徭役,常投身大族,成为隐附人口。In order to survive in wars and riots, villagers often attached themselves to the large clans and thus became the obscure and dependent population.

他对人民的赋税和徭役相对减轻,提出了一些富民的宽松政策,使人民有了一个和平生产的环境。He was the people's taxes and corvee lessened, made some people rich liberal policies, so that the people have a peaceful and productive environment.

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通过修筑古寨堡所需的劳动力、经费需求研究,分析了古寨堡对明清陕西农民生存状况的影响,即农民承担国家赋税、徭役之外,为了自身安全保障而承担的额外负担。By studying the labor and finance demand of Gu-Zhai-Baos, the paper summarizes the affection on the ordinary farmers'life in Shaanxi that was paid by Gu-Zhai-Baos.

在封建社会和半殖民地半封建社会,占人口绝大多数的农民饱受封建地租、徭役、兵役等沉重负担之苦。In the feudal society and the sub-feudal and sub-colonist society the peasants who were the majority of the society suffered the burden of feudal land rent, corvee etc.

对这部分弱势群体以及贫困人口,主要采用物质赏赐、减免赋税徭役、国家收养以及施医救治等方式对其救助。The government took measures to help them, such as material bestows, reducing farm tax and corvee , easing penalty, national raising children , curing and Saving lives etc.

以国家救助为主要救助方式,救助内容和措施有蠲免徭役、赋税,减轻刑罚,赈济生活用品,问医施药,掩埋遗骸等。The main method is national assistance, including reduction of rent for land and of enslavement, lighten punishment, relief, supply doctors and medicines, bury corpses, etc.