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王子睡了个午觉,并在树下睡去。The prince took a nap and snored under the tree.

弗吉尼亚刚在地道里睡完午觉。Virginia wakes up after an afternoon nap in the tunnel.

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为什么睡完午觉起来会头痛呢?Why to sleep does lie-down rise can you have a headache?

午休床在志愿者的一次午觉时保持静止,另一次则轻轻摇晃。For one nap, the bed was still. For the other, it rocked gently.

下午,如果我有时间的话,会去睡个午觉。In the afternoon, if I have horary words, will sleep a noon to feel.

我们在上午的时候精力最旺盛,而下午想睡个午觉也很正常。Our energy peaks mid-morning, and it’s natural to want a siesta in the afternoon.

我们睡睡懒觉,捕上点鱼,逗孩子们玩玩,陪老婆睡睡午觉。We sleep late, fish a little, play with our children and take siestas with our wives.

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临睡午觉了,看看英文报纸,要不考试又要砸了。Before going to bed at noon, read some English newspapers, or my exam will be failed again!

“都市小睡”的另一位顾客,作家兼研究员本·斯蒂勒说,他需要这样的日间午觉。Another MetroNaps customer, writer and researcher Ben Stiller, said he needs that daily nap.

已经证明午觉有利于帮助你在一天接下来的时间内有更好的精力。It has been proven that naps are beneficial and help you function better for the rest of the day.

对于许多文明来说午觉是日常生活不可缺少的组成部分,特别是越加靠近赤道的文明。A mid-day nap is an integral part of the daily routine of many cultures, particularly those near the equator.

在地震袭来的时候,罗丝大概刚从午觉中睡醒,年纪大一点的孩子们正在屋外玩耍。When the quake hit, Rose would have been just waking up from her nap. The older children were playing outside.

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看看小说,睡个午觉,什么都不做正是你想做的。Get back into your novel, take several siestas, and do as little as possible, because that's what you want to do.

参赛选手要躺在一张摆在大商场中的鲜蓝色的沙发上睡上20分钟午觉。Participants are monitored as they lie on bright blue sofas in the middle of a shopping mall for a 20-minute nap.

每个早上抬起头,晒晒太阳,吃些午餐,然后回到屋里睡一个午觉。Head over every morning, get some sun, grab some lunch, and then go back to the house in the afternoon and take a nap.

因此,如果您陷入僵局,那么您可能需要睡个午觉,转移注意力一段时间后再回到这个问题。So if you feel stuck, then you might want to take a nap. Return to the problem after diverting your attention for a while.

我也美美地在沙发上睡了一响午觉,有效地补充了前两天驴行耗费的体力。I myself had a sound snap at the sofa, that effectively help me to get recovery from the trail walking in the previous two days.

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其他专家赞同,睡个午觉或者先把问题或项目放一放,能令你头脑一新,随后想到更好的办法。Other experts agree that taking a nap or stepping away from a problem or project refreshes the mind and could lead to better ideas later.

如果你是云雀型的,你往往在早上6点起床,在晚上九十点钟睡觉,你会在下午1点到1点半觉得想睡午觉。If you're a lark, apt to wake as early as 6am and go to sleep around 9pm or 10pm, you're going to feel your nap need around 1pm or 1.30 pm.

所以景山培训中心建议考生,每天都要有八个小时睡眠,尤其是午觉更要睡好,按时起,按时睡。Therefore, the proposed training center Jingshan candidates , every day there are eight hours of sleep, especially Wujue more sleep, time, time to sleep.