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至今已有2513名日本遗孤返日定居。Now 2,513 of them have returned to Japan.

温家宝首先欢迎日本遗孤感恩团来访。Wen first of all expressed welcome to the delegation.

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第二,提升了艾滋遗孤的社会地位。Secondly, to enhance the social status of HIV orphans.

所以,我俩是一样的苦命人,都是革命先烈的遗孤。So, we are the same person is poor, the revolutionary martyrs orphan.

有些社会团体一听到帮助的是艾滋病人遗孤就却步了。I have heard that some social groups to help AIDS orphans is on the back.

许多大屠杀的遗孤和收养他们的家庭一起生活。Many children orphaned by the Holocaust stayed with their adopted families.

而除非他们父母双亡,孤儿院又不能接受这些遗孤。Unless their parents having died, and the orphanage can not accept these orphans.

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遗孤们如今虽然身居日本,但深深思念在中国的亲人和生活过的故乡。Despite living in Japan, they miss profoundly their Chinese families and hometown.

还是自以为是约翰韦恩、兰博和马歇尔狄龙的破败文化的遗孤?Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's John Wayne?Rambo?Marshall Dillon?

而在伊拉克和阿富汗阵亡士兵的遗孤得到了一块特殊的金质奖章。Children of service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan received special gold medals.

曼迪母亲曾经说过一些战争遗孤在阿迪朗达克山脉的夏令营的事情。Mandy’s mother had said something about a summer camp for war orphans in the Adirondacks.

艾滋病令很多孩子失去父母,其实大部分遗孤都没有感染HIV病毒。AIDS, many children lost their parents, in fact, most of the orphans are not infected with HIV.

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一些音乐会举办是为了救济在波斯尼亚、危地马拉、科索沃和伊拉克地方的战争遗孤、战争灾民和国内动荡局面。Concerts were held for War Child, and victims of war and civil unrest in Bosnia, Guatemala, Kosovo and Iraq.

其中的大部分遗孤都没有感染HIV病毒,因为他们出生后父母才染病。Most of them are not orphans infected with HIV, because they are infected until after the birth of their parents.

京城王府,手下冰王向皇叔报告,已探到了那些天地会遗孤的消息。City palace, under the ice to king royal uncle report, has explored a fallen maoist fighters who will the news of the world.

艾滋孤儿是艾滋病死亡者的遗孤,也是没有感染艾滋病病毒的健康儿童。AIDS orphans, the orphaned children of deceased AIDS patients, are nonetheless healthy without being infected with HIV virus.

这就能给社会一个印象,当社会有困难的时候,艾滋遗孤也会做出贡献。This will give the community the impression that when the community has a difficult time, will also contribute to HIV orphans.

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1949年之后,数以千计被中国父母抚养的日本遗孤从中国回到日本。After 1949, thousands of Japanese war orphans who adopted and feeded by local Chinese parents returned Japan from mainland of China.

更难得的是,他们在学有所成后,回来投身救助艾滋遗孤的义工事业。What is even more encouraging is that they have achieved in the post, come back to join a volunteer rescue the cause of AIDS orphans.

智行基金会成立于1998年,是一家致力于全方位照顾艾滋遗孤和艾滋病预防教育的公益机构。Chi Heng Foundation, founded in 1998, is dedicated to the full care of HIV orphans and AIDS prevention education, public welfare institutions.