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然而此刻,采收苹果于我,已然足够。But I am done with apple-picking now.

刘洪园承认,市场已然发生变化。Mr Liu admits the market has changed.

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专横已然过时,团队合作才是正理。Being bossy is out and teamwork is in.

我渴望倾听的嗓音已然寂灭!And the sound of a voice that is still!

宛若是一支百合花已然枯蔫。And, like a wither'd lily, on the land.

那的面纱已然揭起笼罩我的眼睛。A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes.

而如今它已然成了时代精神的中心。Now it's at the center of the zeitgeist.

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村里,袅袅的炊烟已然升起。The village, the curl of smoke is rising.

战场上的尘土已然苍白。When all of war's dusts and clamours settle.

种子已然撒进犁沟,将来必定丰收。The seed is planted in furrows, will harvest.

这个一度天马行空的幻想已然成为事实。What was once wild fantasy had become reality.

那你的情敌会安然入睡,而他的女人已然自由。Your enemy is sleeping, and his woman is free.

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海的思念,已然走远。The sea remember fondly, have already walk far.

但是,乔·克里斯玛斯已然被种族主义非人化了。But Joe Christmas has been dehumanized by racism.

我已然是一个引路人、开拓者、定居先驱。I was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler.

血脉已然贲张,双腿早已冰冷,那是新生的血液。New blood, while heats the veins, cools the feet.

抑或是,将一根已然磨损的绳子的一端Or have you been holding the end of a frayed rope

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保罗思想里的「已然」与「应然」。The problem of indicative and imperative in Paul.

所有人已然听到我们奋力抗争的哭喊。People everywhere have heard our despairing wails.

伦敦已然变成了具有生态意识的美食中心。London has become a center for eco-conscious dining.