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他人赠我一枝花。A flower was offered to me.

一枝花笑称她一生只嫁英雄。A flower that she only married a hero.

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开始荡秋千比赛之前,人们会在高处放一枝花。The girl who first gets the flower wins the game.

女孩从书包里抽出一枝花挥舞着。The girl whipped a flower out of her bag and waved it.

朋友都说我很傻,为什么要单恋一枝花。Eg. The friends said that I am very silly, why can carryatorchfora flower.

标题七叶一枝花三个不同居群的染色体组型的初步观察。An observation on karyotypes of three different populations of Paris polyphylla.

白荣福本来准备带着一枝花回到松峰山,然后继续打鬼子。Bai Rongfu was taking a flower back to Pine Mountain, and then continue to play the devil.

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如果每次想到你都能得到一枝花,我将沉浸于无尽的花海中。If I had a flower for every time I think of you, I would lose myself in an endless garden.

曾以为我是那崖畔的一枝花,后来才知道,不过是人海一粒渣。I thought that the Banks of the cliff is a flower, afterwards just know, but is a crowd of slag.

我结婚的时候,能否献给我一枝花、一句祝福,我怕没有勇气走进你的婚礼殿堂。When I got married, can give me a flower, a blessing, I fear no courage you into the wedding hall.

但一枝花突然生产,并且因为胎位不正,需要下山找医生救治。But suddenly a flower production, and because of malposition, need to down the mountain to find a doctor.

在他们生日的时候,我要给他们惊喜,也许是一枝花,也许是一张我亲手做的贺卡。On their birthday, I will give them a surprise, maybe a flower, maybe a birthday card which is made by myself.

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这样的叶子适合绣多枝花儿,如果只绣一枝花,那叶子应该选好看点儿的。Such leaf suits flower of embroider much branch, If one branch spends embroider, that leaf should select good-looking site.

然后,就在几分钟以前,一个小男孩走进店里,想用小小的一枚一角硬币,为他妈妈买一枝花。Then just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his mother with one small dime.

但是一枝花却再也不相信白荣福,不再给他机会,并说自己和白荣福恩断义绝,再见面就是仇人。But a flower never believe Bai Rongfu, not to give him a chance, and said he and Bai Rongfu enduanyijue, again is the enemy.

三毛说过,每个人都有一枝花,它不在大西洋,也不在撒哈拉沙漠,而是在每个人的心窗上。San Mao said, everyone has a flower, it is not the Atlantic, not in the Sahara desert, but in the window of heart on each person.

母亲卡拉表现的极度悲痛,而父亲汤姆向下凝视着,两人在儿子的坟墓前各自拿着一枝花。Mother Carla shows her devastation and heartbreak while father Tom gazes down as they each hold a single flower at the grave of their son.

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而为了不让一枝花得知自己为了杀赵英雄才和日本人合作的行为,白荣福将上松峰山的口令告诉了武内俊,导致一枝花被抓。In order not to let a flower that their hero to kill Zhao and Japanese cooperation, white Fu Rong Pine Mountain password told Wu Neijun, lead to a catch.

他刺杀日本要员,火烧日本大使馆,因此一夜扬名,但当他面对一枝花时,他才知道还配不上英雄称号。He kill Japanese officials, Japanese Embassy on fire, so mark night, but when he was faced with a flower, he didn't know was not worthy of the title of hero.

赵英雄不怕自己将被处决,只是庆幸一枝花还活着,说自己下辈子一定要当个英雄,娶一枝花过门,然后睡了过去。Zhao Yingxiong is not afraid of their own will be executed, but fortunately a flower is still alive, said his life must be a hero, marry a flower door, then fell asleep.