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这是一个非常精妙的问题。This is a pretty subtle problem.

毕加索的笔法精妙绝伦。Picasso's brushwork is particularly fine.

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曾经,在小提琴的精妙里我找到狂喜Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy

我们再次发现这其中的精妙之处Note there are, again, subtleties even here.

这个精妙的身体是怎么运作的How do these fascinating things around me work?

最好的机会常常有最精妙的伪装。The juiciest possibilities often have the best disguises.

但是真正精妙的地方还在于小球是如何制作的。The really clever bit, though, is how the spheres are made.

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我能以我个人来证明这个调音的精妙效力。I can personally attest to the subtle potency of this Attunement.

这里的“恰好”二字可谓精妙绝伦。" Where "exactly" the word can be described as exquisite peerless.

还有一个小提琴过了十级的姐姐,演奏一曲,精妙绝伦。There is also a violin over 10 sister, a concert, absolutely exquisite.

这些雕刻师把象牙雕刻成许多精妙的雕像、布景和物品。They carved ivory into delicate and beautiful statues, scenes and shapes.

幸运的是,所有单位都被精妙地呈现出来,栩栩如生讨人喜欢。Fortunately, all of the units are cleverly realized and adorably animated.

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辛克莱尔第一个精妙绝伦的进球是后脚跟进的,球擦守门员而过,漂亮!Scott's first goal was a marvellous kick with the heel past the goalkeeper.

防护性设计的另一种精妙形式负责处理低速的Web连接。Another, subtler form of defensive design accounts for slow Web connections.

尽管西班牙传球精妙,他们也没有制造太多进球机会。Despite Spain passing well, they weren’t creating a great amount of chances.

开始动手吧,让我们看到一个更迅速、更精妙的专业级网站!So get with the program -- let's see some quick, slick, professional Web sites!

我曾遍游这片星区,却从不知道这地方如此精妙。I have traveled the Quadrant over, and never have I known such an exquisite place.

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把它撒在土里,它能将泥土从火中隔离,也能让精妙之物从粗物中呈现出来。If cast to earth , it will separate earth form fire , the subtitle from the gross.

例如,D·H劳伦斯就有些精妙得体的抒情诗载在乔治王朝诗集里。D. H. Lawrence, for instance, had lyrics of subtle competence in the Georgian books.

通过巧妙地应用镜子和精妙的科学方法来冷却光子至“超级光子”状态,Bonn大学的科学家们创造出了一种全新的光源。Physicists Conjure the First Super-Photon, Creating a Whole New Kind of Light Source