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这辆车的倒车档在哪里?Where's reverse in this car?

汽车倒车开出大门。The car back through the gate.

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汽车倒车撞到一根电线杆子上。The car reversed into a lamp-post.

倒车报警器,脚动开关。SAFETY. Reverse alarm, foot switch.

最大向后倒车转速是多少?What are maximum revolutions astern?

他倒车时撞上了路灯杆子。He reversed his car into a lamp-post.

司机倒车时撞著了路边石。The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

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司机倒车时撞着了路边石。The driver bumped the kerb while reversing.

你现在可以倒车了,我这边己净空了。You can back your car now, my side is clear.

请倒车停在那辆兰色本田车旁边的位置。Back up in that space next to the blue Honda.

你得倒车,掉头走。You'll have to back the car up and turn around.

当我倒车入街时撞了那辆卡车。I hit the truck when I backed out into the street.

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你看,运家具的大卡车正在往他们家的车道上倒车呢。Look, the moving van is backing into their driveway.

将要倒车进入厂区围篱的成品列车。大林糖厂。Sugar train was switching back to repacking factory.

让车手选择空挡和倒车档。Allows the driver to select neutral and reverse gear.

方向键上加速,下为倒车,左右调整前后平衡。The body direction could not be set to right-to-left.

什么时候、为什么通用汽车驶入了倒车档?When and why did General Motors slot into reverse gear?

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他倒车,停住,让想搭车的人上来。He reverses the car and stops to pick up the hitch-hiker.

他走到门口,向外看了看。那是一辆救护车,正在倒车。He walked over and looked out. It was an ambulance, backing in.

手动变速箱有五个前进档和一个倒车档。The manual gear box has five forward gear and one reverse gear.