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口碑好的销售是最好的销售。Word of mouth marketing is the best marketing.

新市长在市民中口碑很好。The new mayor is well spoken of by the citizens.

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她在同事中的口碑甚佳。She has a very good reputation among her fellows.

公司在羊毛贸易业中口碑很好。F. Kanematsu used to be very strong in Wool trade.

据说苏州的这家吴宫喜来登是其集团在国内口碑最好的一家。It is said to be the best Sheraton Hotel in China.

兰蔻的口碑眼霜是哪款?The Lancome public praise which money eye cream is?

口碑相传正成为第一位的市场沟通渠道。Word of mouth is now the number one marketing channel.

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该俱乐部由夫妻搭档管理经营,在群众中很有口碑。Run by parents, this club has a strong membership base.

在开始的几年里我们只是通过纯口碑在增长。We grew by pure word-of-mouth the first couple of years.

网络虚拟社区是网络口碑的首要诞生地。Internet virtual community is the birthplace of the IWOM.

我们靠的是口碑营销,一传十、十传百。We rely on word-of-mouth marketing, going, ten preach the.

从本质上讲,这就是口碑相传营销方式得到的结果。Essentially, it's word-of-mouth marketing that gets results.

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这应该是我进入口碑网来第一次给一家店的“差评”。On my second visit it was with a bunch of friends for dessert.

这家公司的好名声建立于客户间口耳相传的口碑。This company owes its fine reputation to word-of-mouth advertising.

如果这部电影在西方的口碑也很好的话,那么也会在西方大卖。This couldbe the same if its as good as they say it is in the West.

格力这几年来在空调行业获得了很好的口碑。Gree has gained good reputation in AC industry for the recent years.

她喜欢做家务,是一个很有口碑的好主妇。She likes to keep house and has a reputation as an excellent housekeeper.

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当一家公司的执行总裁解决他们的抱怨,口碑会很快传开。When the CEO of a company has resolved your complaint, word spreads fast.

在京城百姓中宿有良好的口碑。Formerly has the good oral traditions in the national capital common people.

查连凤是一个很有原则的老板娘,可能也正是因为她的这份原则,让她有那么好的口碑。Zha is a landlady of principle, and that may be the reason for her reputation.