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全息干板膜的厚度是全息干板的重要参数之一。Thin-film thickness is one of the most important parameters for holographic plate.

得到了三种全息干板的高衍射效率。The high diffraction efficiency of three kinds of holographic plates have been obtained.

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他编写的防艾宣传小品、快板、干板腔、三句半等,在全县巡回演出。He prepared Fang Yi propaganda piece, Allegro, dry chamber board, such as San Juban, in the county tour.

白偏光照射高分辨率干板,经稀释显影后呈现出负二向色性。A high resolution plate shows negative dichroism after illumination by white polarized light and dilute development.

本文给出一种能够将全息干板显影定影一次完成的单浴液配方,并将该单浴液用于全息照相的干板处理中。The prescription of the single bath is given, which could finish the process of developing and fixing plates in one step.

亚当先生采用了当时最先进的彩色摄影技术——奥托克罗姆微粒彩屏干板彩色摄影技术来拍摄这组图片。He took the images in colour using Autochrome Lumière, which was the most advanced colour photographic process of the day.

本文还报导了在同一干板上制作不同或多种颜色全息图像的方法。In this paper, we also report a method of making multicolor reflection volume hologram in a plate through chemical treatment.

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众所周知,如何修补干板墙、石膏板的接缝和各种墙面破损是一个日益重要的话题摆在我们面前。How to repair the cracks and joints of drywall , plaster board and the other wall surface is an urgent problem to be solved before us.

与发明明胶干板溴化银的过程中,由理查德利奇朱莉,底片并不需要去开发即时。With the invention the gelatin dry plate silver bromide process by Richard Leach Maddox, negatives did not have to be developed immediately.

围绕全息干板在脉冲光源曝光下的互易律失效规律,进行了较为深入的理论和实验研究。Based on this question, this thesis conducts a detail research on the reciprocity law failure of holographic plate when it is exposed to pulse laser.

但成像干板的判读系统也存在着许多问题,判读效率低、人为误差大、处理周期长。But there are also some problems about the photo-plate image reading system such as low precision, big artificial error, long processing period, ect.

干板照相具有边缘效应、分辨率高和记录宽容度大等物理特性,对乳腺疾病的检诊敏感性很大。Xeromammography has such physical features as edge effect, high resolution and wide recording volume, so it is sensitive in detection of breast diseases.

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本文研究了全息干板漂白所引起的某些特性并给出了制备相位滤波器的方法。In this paper some charaetristics caused by bleaching processing for holographic emulsion are considered and the method for preparing the phase filter is given.

把一个二维物体的彩色负片经电子分色、翻拍成R、G、B三张正片,分别用它们作掩膜,在同一张DCG干板上曝光三次。A color photograph is electronic colour separated and copied into three positive films of R G B. Using them as a mask respectively, a DCG plate is exposed three times.

“无论如何,人们必须保持静止姿态,而‘偷拍式’的街头景象在19世纪80年代中国引入了更快速的干板照相法才开始出现,”她补充道。“In any case, people had to remain still and ‘candid’ street scenes only started in the early 1880s, when the faster dry-plate process made its way to China, ” she added.

本文介绍了红敏光聚合物干板在学生全息实验中的使用情况,实验测定了该干板的曝光均匀性、全息图的稳定性以及异丙醇溶液和热风吹干的作用。The exposition uniformity and the time stability of the hologram recorded in the photopolymer are studied in experiments, also the effects of isopropanol and drying of hot wind.

本文依据全息干板的H-D曲线的特性给出了用预调制干板对黑白图象进行等密度假彩色化的方法。On the basis of the. characteristic of the H-D curve of holographic plate, a new method is developed using the premodulated holographic plate to realize pseudocolor density encoding.

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最后指出,迈克尔逊干涉仪在测量全息干板膜等较厚的薄膜时,具有测量范围大,结果较准确等优点。There are some advantages, such as a large measuring range, fewer experiment instruments and accurate result, when Michelson interferometer is used to measure some thicker thin films.

在靶场测试中,利用光学测量设备获得的图像,如电影经纬仪、高速摄影机拍摄得到的胶片图像,弹道相机拍摄得到的干板图像等统称为光测图像。In the test of shooting range , it is called optics measure image which we have gotten images through using optical equipment as film altazimuth -, high speed film equipment -. trajectory camera.