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适宜在春秋露地及保护地栽培。In autumn production and site cultivation.

适宜华北地区春露地栽培。It is suitable for spring open cultivation in north China.

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后期又由于仰冲推覆,最终出露地表。At last, it obducted and thrusted to outcrop on the surface.

果皮硬韧,耐贮运,座果能力强,栽培容易,适于保护地及露地栽培。Fruits set easily, suitable growing in protecting field and open field.

适合春小拱棚和春、夏秋露地栽培。It is suitable for open field cultivation in spring, summer and autumn.

棕榈顶小屋的村子半掩半露地坐落在高高的椰子树林中。Tiny villages with thatched huts lie half-hidden among tall coconut palms.

新近育成一代杂种。适用于春夏秋露地栽培。The newly bred hybrid generation. For spring and summer Qiulou cultivation.

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对露地、温室条件下大樱桃的落花落果规律进行了对比研究。The flower and fruit dropping of both outdoor and greenhouse cherries have been compared.

丰产优势明显,早春露地栽培最高亩产可达1万公斤以上。Fertility obvious advantages, early spring cultivation were highest up to 1 million per kg.

适于春、秋露地栽培,保护地早熟栽培和秋冬延后栽培。It is suitable for cultivation in both open field and protected field in spring and autumn.

适宜露地保护地栽培,只要具备条件,一年四季可随时播种。Suitable for cultivation, as long as have protected production conditions, the available sowing.

康滇地轴中部为台背斜隆起,大面积出露地台基底。Middle the Kang Yunnan earth axis sticks out for the anteklise, big area appearing platform basis.

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露地蔬菜和设施蔬菜种植面积5万亩,总产量10万吨。Open-field vegetable and facilities for vegetable planting area 5 mu, total output of 100,000 tons.

在露地的蔬菜生产中,气候是引起蔬菜上市量波动的主要因子。To vegetable production in field, climate is the major factor causing fluctuations of vegetable supply.

白粉病作为危害甜瓜生产的主要病害之一,在露地和温室栽培中均有发生。Powdery mildew is one of the most destructive diseases in melon production both in field and in greenhouse.

大棚栽培的蔬菜中硝酸盐含量明显高于露地栽培。Nitrate content in vegetable of greenhouse cultivation is significantly higher than that of soil open in air.

对巨星葡萄采用露地、春暖式大棚和冬暖式大棚进行栽培试验研究。The culture models in Juxing grape cultivated in the field, spring-greenhouse and winter-greenhouse were study.

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岩湾隧道出口出露地层高倾角裂隙发育,部分层面存在夹泥情况。Portal of Yanwan Tunnel locates in developmental high-dip fracture rock, which is sandwiched with mud partially.

结果显示,大棚中的光皮树生长情况与露地中的有很大差异。The results showed that there were significant differences of C. wilsoniana Wanger. growth situation in two habitats.

是目前农民大棚,中小棚、露地栽培最佳品种,全国薄皮甜瓜产区均可广泛栽培。Farmers in the trellis, is present work. the greenhouse, the best breed, thin skin melons are widely cultivated areas.