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这些弦乐器在做什么呢What were the strings doing?

然后是弦乐器。And then the strings come in.

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他善于演奏管弦乐器。He is apt with wind instruments.

中提琴是一种弦乐器。The viola is a stringed instrument.

我在一个很传统的拨弦乐器制作店里找到了工作。I took a job in a very traditional luthier's shop.

有个仁兄熟练地拉着这种二弦乐器。One man deftly plays the two- stringed instrument.

好,现在是弦乐器,音量开大点Okay. Now the strings.Turn it up just a little bit.

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叩叩琴可以说是弦乐器家族当中的躁狂抑郁症。The kokle is the manic-depressive of the string family.

这里的开始乐段是由哪种乐器演奏的,铜管乐器,还是弦乐器Is the beginning here played by the brasses or the strings?

这里的开始乐段是由哪种乐器演奏的,铜管乐器,还是弦乐器。Is the beginning here played by the brasses or the strings?

弦乐器表现对立的部分,一个互补的部分The strings come in with a counter-idea, a complementary idea.

琵琶,在古代是所有弹弦乐器的总称。Lute was the general name for all Stradivarius in ancient times.

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塔尔如今是伊朗古典音乐中最常见的一种拨弦乐器。The tar is the most widely used plucked instrument in Iran today.

坦姆布里扎琴是乡村音乐的一种形式,主要由弦乐器演奏。Tamburitza is a form of folk music that involves string instruments.

其他四件弦乐器的回应是给人以安慰还是令人绝望?Does the response of the four other strings offer consolation, or despair?

琵琶是中国许多弹拨弦乐器中最受人欢迎的一种。The pipa is the most popular of China's many plucked stringed instruments.

他谈到和声通过,弦乐器演奏出来。He's talking about the harmony that gets produced by a stringed instrument.

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这又怎样,这里有小提琴手吗,或者有人拉过弦乐器吗Why? Any violinists in here or anybody who ever played a string instrument?

用于制作弦乐器及吉他音板的欧洲术材。European tonewoods for stringed Instruments. European tonewoods for Guitars.

蒙古族弓弦乐器“潮尔”的特殊性问题,涉及的范围非常广泛。The scope of particularity of Mongolian bow instrument "Choir" is very broad.