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娇美向日葵,仍然记在心间。The beautiful sunflower is still on my mind.

她是一个害羞、娇美的女孩,长着一双大大的蓝眼睛。She was a shy, delicately pretty girl with enormous blue eyes.

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渴望唇色娇美,诱惑人想一亲芳泽?Do you desire beautiful and tempting lips with high attraction?

笑容带上泪珠总是最鲜艳、最娇美的。A smile is ever the most bright and beautiful with a tear upon it.

繁星越发皎洁,一派娇美的夜色。The heavy star is more and more clean, a beautiful night of parties.

她的腿长,线条优美,面庞娇美,只有11.5英寸高。She would be long limbed , shapely, beautiful, and only 11.5 inches tall.

同样地,人娇美或潇洒却没有美德有何用?Likewise, what good is it to be beautiful or handsome if one is not virtuous?

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我要把你娇美的脸上时常闪耀的动人微笑,牢牢记在心里。I will hold that beautiful always shining smile on your tiny face, in my mind.

菡萏向长天夸口它的娇美,小草则缄默地侍奉土地。The lotus offers its beauty to the heaven, the grass its service to the earth.

竹笋姑娘的娇美,恰恰是被“敲竹杠”的缘由。A sweet and pretty bamboo shoots girl , the bamboo is exactly knocked for itself.

不要整天灰头灰脸,让自己灿烂点,别浪费青春和娇美身材。Not the first day ash gray face, a brilliant, youth and other waste Jiaomei build.

丝丝凉凉,让娇美的桂花早些退下了秋的舞台。Cecil cool, so charming the sweet-scented osmanthus in autumn withdrew earlier stage.

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那一片片的白雪从空中飘落下来,是那么的轻盈,那么的娇美,那么的无暇。Which patches of snow falling from the sky down, is so light, it's charming, it's no time.

照片上的她衣着暴露,在焦糖色头发的遮映下,娇美面庞若隐若现。Photos on the site show her in revealing outfits, a mane of caramel-colored hair framing her face.

这朵睡莲色彩艳丽,花瓣带雨,娇美非常。The vivid colors of this lotus, its petals still covered with raindrops, were absolutely beautiful.

在我眼里,你是个美人。一位心向往之的美人——娇美而空灵。You are a beauty in my eyes, and a beauty just after the desire of my heart, -- delicate and aerial.

深层补充皮肤水份,提高锁水能力、令肌肤嫩白娇美。The deep complement skin water, exaltation lock water ability, make the skin delicate white The is beautiful.

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我爱慕你,并非因为你娇美的外表,而是因为你的到来给我的生活赋予了新的内涵。I yearn for you, not for your charming looks, but because your arrival has invested my life with new meanings.

紫嫣笑意娇美却凌厉,“求我就更没用了,我是心肠冷硬的人啊。”The purple Yan laughs idea Jiao beautiful but marble, "apologize me extra needless, I am a cold hard heart person."

不要整天灰头灰脸,让自己灿烂点,别浪费青春和娇美身材。Do not be dusty and dirty in appearance all day, lets the oneself bright spot, other waste youth and sweet and pretty stature.