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金教坊仍是宫廷杂剧演出的承应机构。It was also a setup which taking on playing Zaju in palace.

其中北宋杂剧的演变最具有典型意义。Among them, the evolving of North-song Zaju is a typical case.

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神仙道化剧乃元杂剧中的一个重要门类。Immortal-taoism opera is important in Zaju of the Yuan Dynasty.

第一部分,明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧成因探析。First one is analysis of One-satirize act opera's formation reason.

他是一位高产作家,写了60多种杂剧,流传至今的有18种。He was a prolific writer, producing over 60 plays, 18 of which are extant.

关汉卿在他的杂剧作品中,成功塑造了一大批恶人形象。Guan Hanqing figured a gang of villain images in his works of poetic drama.

第三部分,明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧作品研究。Third one is analysis of the theatrical productions of One-satirize act opera.

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关汉卿是中国元代著名的杂剧作家之一。Guan Hanqing is one of the great dramatists in our country in the Yuan Dynasty.

本章对朱氏本人观念中的“传奇”“杂剧”概念进行了探讨。The passage discuss the concept of legend and miscellaneous drama in Zhu' mind.

作为一代昆曲大师,沈在杂剧创作方面也有所染指。As a master of Kunqu opera, Shen Jing was also involved in the creation of Zaju.

元杂剧体现了传统文化背景下顽强的复仇理念。Zaju embodies a firm belief on vengeance under background of traditional culture.

关汉卿的杂剧,以其本色当行和深刻的现实内容而著称。Plays by Guan Hanqing are famous for their striking features and realistic content.

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从元杂剧现存的剧本看,渗透着丰富的喜剧性因素。Rich comic factors are reflected in the extant scripts of zaju of the Yuan dynasty.

关汉卿,大都人,是元杂剧作家中最杰出的一位。Guan Hanqing was born in Dadu. He was the most prominent dramatist of the Yuan Dynasty.

而从文艺发展史观看问题,就能给元杂剧以公正的评价。From matters in literature and art history, we can give a fair evaluation of Yuan Drama.

忽必烈时代是元杂剧成熟并繁盛的时期。The times of Kublai Khan was the mature and flourishing period of Kublai Khan Yuan Zaju.

结语部分,简单分析明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧的成果及在明代的地位。The conclusion summarizes the achievements, and the status of the One-satirize act opera.

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才子佳人爱情戏是元杂剧爱情戏的主要形式。The love-drama about talented scholars and beautiful girls is main form of the Yuan opera.

本文把这种新的杂剧体制称为明代中后期单折讽刺杂剧。The new system is called One-satirize act opera in middle and later periods of Ming dynasty.

通过对笫四折的研究有望搭建一座重新审视元杂剧面貌的学术平台。It is the ambition of the author to build an academic platform for the research of Yuan-zaju.