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先说语音So, phonology.

语音输入?。VI? Voice Input?

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没有语音拨号。No voice dialing.

那就是语音邮件。It was voice-mail.

语音网络?。VON? VOice Network?

语音数据登录?。VDE? Voice Data Entry?

这个系统叫做“语音答录”。It's called voice mail.

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语音应答装置?。VAB? Voice Answer Back?

语音服务模块?。VSM? Voice Service Module?

你有语音导览吗?Do you have an audio guide?

语音报文交换机?。VMX? Voice Message eXchange?

语音通道处理器?。VCP? Voice Channel Processor?

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帧中继语音传送?。VOFR? Voice Over Frame Relay?

语音存储转发?。VSF? Voice Store and Forward?

语音识别模块?。VRM? Voice Recognition Module?

我可以申请一个语音信箱吗?Can I apply for a V-mail here ?

经语音耳测评定,优良率达90.8%。The fine rate was 90.8 percent.

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给我的语音信箱留言。Leave a message on my voicemail.

语音控制载波?。VCC? Voice – Controlled Carrier?

视觉化,随机存取语音邮件。Visual, random-access voicemail.