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我的人生?My life?

人生是一场苦旅。Life is a writer.

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这是我们的人生。This is our life.

人生犹如摸彩。Life is a lottery.

人生如朝露,百年一瞬间。Life is but a span.

即,蛋逼是种人生态度。Danbi is an attitude.

创建自己的人生轨迹。Greate your own path.

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幸福本身就是人生之道。Happiness is the way.

大户人家,大话人生…My family is my life!

那么何不出售人生?Then why not sell it?

人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。What is a great life?

人生是一场游戏,玩好它。Life is a gameplay it.

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人生并不都是康庄大道。Life is not 'sl roses.

直到人生的那端。Until the end of life.

在人生征途的露宿营地。In the bivouac of Life.

在人生逆旅的露营中。In the bivouac of Life.

人生如梦一场空吗?。Is life an empty dream?

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乐在人生尽欢颜。Joy in life all smiles.

人生是一首歌,唱好它。Lfe is a song, sing it.

人生充满了遗憾。Life is full of pities.