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高等初等中等学校时她常常欺负我。IT employ to bully me in high educate.

下面会有一个初等几何的回顾.There is a review of elementary geometry below.

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方法利用矩阵的初等变换法。Methods The elementary transformation of matrix is used.

给出了非初等函数的几种判断方法。Some methods of judging non-elementary function are given.

高等几何是初等几何的延深课程。High geometry is the extended course of elementary geometry.

直到1880年,英国才开始实行初等义务教育。Britain did not introduce compulsory primary education until 1880.

“达到你的潜能”这个词是来自于初等学校的成绩单。“Living up to your potential” is a phrase from a grade-school report card.

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算术和初等代数中普通的数通称纯量。The ordinary numbers of arithmetic and elementary algebra are known as scalars.

我的职称是初等高级专员,这个职位相当于襄理级主管。My position is assitant senior specialist, which is same as the assitant manager.

最近,许多州坚持初等中等学校因该教学课程生如何开车。Recently, many states have insisted that high schools teach students how to drive.

本文讨论了两个特殊的初等算子的本性范数。The essential norm of two special elementary operators is discussed in this paper.

强制性教育开始于初等学校和一般的基础教育,年龄是6-14岁。Compulsory education begins with primary school or general basic education for ages 6-14.

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初等和中等教育属公立教育,是免费和义务的。Elementary and secondary education, which forms public education, is free and compulsory.

它包括基本的初等几何学,圆锥曲线,几何学函数和切线曲线。It covers the basic elementary geometry, conics , geometric functions and tangent curves.

运用初等变换方法探讨了数量对合矩阵的若干秩等式。The paper get some rank equalities of scalar-involutory matrices by elementary operation.

给出实例说明初等函数的导数可以是非初等函数。Give examples to show that the derivate of elementary function may be unelementary function.

通过运用初等数论方法,推导出本原同余数公式。The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods of number theory.

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本文的主要目的是利用初等方法给出L—函数的逆的一个均值公式。The main Puspose of this paper is to give a mean formula of L-function by an elementary method.

从矩阵的理论出发尝试用矩阵的初等变换求解线性方程组。A probe into solving linear equation sets with the elementary transformation of matrix is introduced.

利用矩阵的初等变换,给出了两个多项式的最小公倍式、最大公因式及其系数多项式的统一求法。Thus we gave a kind of new method for solving the greatest common factor of two-variable polynomials.