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如果需要,最好保持静默或言简意赅。If need be, be mostly silent or speak sparingly.

废话少说,妈妈得学会言简意赅了。None of that jello crap. Mama needs to get her buzz on.

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写法真实事道破,言简意赅字利落。The real thing in writing, concise and comprehensive word neat.

归化处理可以言简意赅、明了简洁。Try to be concise and naturalization processing, clear concise.

沧海桑田也不过一梦与一梦之间,大可寥寥几笔言简意赅。I just a dream and a dream, can a few pens concise and comprehensive.

乔布斯的回信言简意赅,“老弟,更改你那应用的名称,没什么大不了的。Jobs' reply was simply, "Change your apps name. Not that big of a deal."

你们老板也太罗嗦了,应该言简意赅一点。Your boss is so verbose, his speech should be concise and comprehensive.

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在所有的三个字母组合的备选代码中,EAT这个言简意赅的组合最终胜出,成为不二之选。Of all the three-letter combinations available, EAT won out as the obvious choice.

简历要主题鲜明,中心突出、布局合理、层次分明、扬长避短,言简意赅。Resume to a clear theme, focused, rational layout, structured, weaknesses, concise.

期待奥巴马的发言能够言简意赅,而不会像金融时报能源版今天预计的那样繁冗吃力。Expect rhetoric from Obama, not a lot of heavy lifting, as FT’s Energy Source noted today.

我查看的大部分辞典都会同意这一说法--gloss即为“一个言简意赅的解释”。Most of the real dictionaries I looked at would agree that a gloss is “a brief explanation.”

“每一个军事行动都建立在一些我们叫做‘信息融合’的基础之上”他言简意赅地说。"Any military campaign relies on something that we call 'fused information'," he told a briefing.

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对真正发生的事情在真实范围内言简意赅的概括可以使我犯的的错减轻十倍。By giving them the skinny on what’s really going on inside my margin for error decreases ten-fold.

英语习语是富于色彩的语言形式,它言简意赅,形象生动,音韵和谐,琅琅上口。English idiom is a form of language with coloring, it is concise, vivid, harmonious and offhanded.

它言简意赅、浅显风趣,生动形象地提示了深刻的人生哲理。They are brief and to the point, simple and charming, vividly prompting the profound life philosophy.

他保持了敏锐的思维,言简意赅的表达能力,以及他的幽默感。He retains his mental sharpness, his ability to say a lot in a very few words, and his sense of humor.

这是同金融化有关的一个过程,某种程度上,JW·梅森言简意赅地总结了。This is related to a process of financialization, something JW Mason has done a fantastic job outlining here.

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代写英语论文依托这些句式的巧妙运用其言简意赅的语言艺术得以表现。Via the ingenious usage of these sentence types its concise and comprehensive linguistic arts can be realized.

当你准备你的锐利,言简意赅电子邮件向媒体草地,你干脆把你的联系客户套件。When you prepare your sharp , concisemail pitch to the media, you simply insert links to your clients' press kits.

这是一份写得非常好的言简意赅的文档,它通过例子讲解了该版本提供的所有特性。It's a concise and well-written document that describes through example all the features this distribution has to offer.