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将华夫铁板调至中温预热。Preheat waffle iron to medium high.

房子全是木制的,房顶有刷有红漆的铁板制成。All the house were of wood with red-painted iron roofs.

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在纵向丝杠上也可加整体铁板防护罩。Screw in the vertical can also increase overall plate shields.

大多数用户都采用玻璃板或薄铁板压平的方法。Most users are using thin glass plate or pressure-plate approach.

铁板拍打水泥路面的声音,嘈杂刺耳。Iron board flaps the concrete pavement, emitting jingling discord.

吃水线下的船身铁板被鱼雷击穿。The hull's iron plates deep below the waterline were hit by torpedos.

他开始把自己往上拉,当生锈的铁板刮到他的衣服或者皮肤的时候疼得抽搐。He began pulling himself out, wincing as the rusty tin tore cloth and skin.

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当他需要印刷的时候,他将铁架子放到铁板上。When he wished to print, he took an iron frame and set it on the iron plate.

若没有华夫铁板,可用煎锅代替,象做薄烤饼那样。If you do not have a waffle iron, just use a fry pan and cook like a pancake.

先在铁板上钻一个预制孔,然后拧入自攻螺丝。Step 4. Drive a sheet metal screw into thin metals after making a pilot hole.

是的,我会将铁板牛排之类的食物列入排行榜中,”读者“无名小卒”写道。"Yeah, I would have thrown Kalbi Jim or something similar on there, " wrote reader Nobody.

在那里,人们用有波纹的铁板围起来当墙,这些铁板都是新的,闪闪发亮的,还用椰子叶盖在上面当房顶,就这样建起了一座学校。One school is built from shiny new corrugated iron and a roof thatched with coconut leaves.

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采用铁板做电极,对糠醛废水进行了电解预处理。The furfural wastewater was treated by electrolytic previous treatment with iron electrode.

想要喝不完的清酒?只需在泛亚主题餐厅点任意一款铁板套餐就可以无限量畅饮!Simply Teppanyaki Sets can be simply paired with free flow of sake at Asian Delights Restaurant.

他们再用这个慢慢划铁板,渐渐切出匕首的形状。They would then slowly score the bunk, over and over, gradually etching out the shape of a blade.

我已经在两个星期以前用锅炉铁板把大门钉上了一层,并且上了三道锁--钥匙在我手里哪。I had the big door sheathed with boiler iron two weeks ago, and triple-locked-and i've got the keys.

客人在享用美酒佳肴的同时,亦可观看铁板师傅烹调工艺,欣赏落地玻璃窗外的海湾景致。Patrons can watch the chefs' culinary skills or the splendid coastal view while enjoying tasty food.

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适配的食物有意大利餐、浓味芝士、铁板或烧烤的牛羊、黑椒牛仔腿、煲类菜式。At room temperature, less than 180C, with most foods including pastas , cheeses and grilled red meats.

其余的胸甲也与下面的夹层段上的皮革覆盖的铁板。The rest of the cuirass was also iron plate covered with leather on top with laminated segments below.

可用于铁板、钢板、玻璃钢、木材、水泥强及上过的任何金属表面。Applied on Steel panel, iron panel, glass fiber, wooden, concrete wall and any painted metallic surface.