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这真是龌龊。This is ugly.

骗子队丢了身价打球龌龊。Fakers lose their class and play dirty.

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从那地狱般龌龊的蒸馏器中提取Distilled from limbecks foul as hell within

他们都是有钱人,但也都是卑鄙龌龊的家伙。They were rich men. They were also nasty men.

难道你没看到学校那些龌龊的家伙?Have you seen the unwashed miscreants that go to that school ?

我帮助了拍卖者,这龌龊的家伙半点也不懂得作他的买卖。I help the auctioneer, the sloven does not half know his business.

他那卑鄙龌龊的诡计要受报应的,还得多受些呢。He's had something to pay him for his dirty trick, and he'll have more.

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她会灵活地顺着梯子爬上去,远远地躲开这些卑鄙龌龊的人。She would have steered agilely up the ladders and left the snakes alone.

嗯,你觉得承受那些龌龊的——甚至有些下流的东西很容易吗?So do you find it easy to handle the piss-taking – even the nasty stuff?

乍莱太太说道,“不要去和一个龌龊的潘地戏班子胡混了”。"Never go into the company of a filthy Punch any more, " said Mrs. Jarley.

我真正的龌龊动机是想成为第一个作此断言的人。My actual disreputable motive was that I wanted to be the first to call it.

三十岁之先,望睹立陈龌龊的的士皆口烦,托付!After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me. Ok !

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世界上所有的宗教都宣称上帝时刻都在看着你——这真是龌龊。All the religions of the world say God continuously watches you — this is ugly.

它是卑鄙龌龊的,因为它完全是为金州电力公司赚取利润的。It is sordid because the objective is to make profits for Golden State & Light.

他的叔叔卑鄙龌龊,不像他父亲那样为人正直。His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honorable.

他的叔叔卑鄙龌龊,不像他父亲那样正直可敬。His uncle was as base and unworthy as his father had been upright and honourable.

我的衣裳是那样的破烂龌龊,就是叫你用火钳把我碰一下,你都不会乐意。I was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn't have touched me with a pair of tongs.

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他们也敢因为圆圆的月儿用墨水涂了脸,便骂它龌龊么?。Would they dare to call the full moon dirty because it has smudged its face with ink?

可是,不久前,绝大多数人还过着龌龊不堪、畜生般的生活,而且生命非常短暂。But until very recently, life for the vast majority of people was nasty , rough , and short.

呵,呸!他们也敢因为圆圆的月儿用墨水涂了脸,便骂它龌龊么?。O, fie! Would they dare to call the full moon dirty because it has smudged its face with ink?