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像雨中长出的花草。As flowers in rain.

放些花花草草。Keep some plants or flowers.

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现在来弄弄花草。Now for a spot of gardening.

如今每日寄情花草也不错。It's OK to talk to plants now.

我们在给一个小花园栽植花草。We are planting a small garden.

我试着种果树花草,但未乐成。I tried gardening but didn't succeed.

她喜欢种植花草树木。She likes planting trees and flowers.

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那芳香的花草是我们的姐妹。The perfumed flowers are our sisters.

春天的花草树木是别具特色的。Spring flowers and trees is distinctive.

对不起,“他说,”我不能和你一起侍弄这些花草了。Sorry, " he said, "I can't garden with you.

他们决定在后院重新种上花草。They decided to revegetate in the backyard.

种那些花草要花费很多的心血,不值得。Gardening takes more bother than it's worth.

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我喜欢阅读、摄影,还有养养花花草草。I love reading, taking photos and gardening.

那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear

蟠桃种在花草当中。The donut peach stands among my other plants.

对待文章之用心,要么像修剪花草或摆弄盆栽,要么像精雕细琢或。Approach it like topiary. Or bonsai gardening.

苗圃里花草长得更盛了。The flowers of the seed ranch grew still more.

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其它的时间她会养养花草,打打麻将。Other times she would raise flowers, play mahjong.

沿路两旁的树木之间都种着花草。There are flowers between the trees along the road.

一位园艺专家教我们种好花草的方法。A gardening expert tells us how to grow plants well.