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保罗还没交会费。Paul haven't paid my dues yet.

不过入会费实在太高了。But the membership fees are too high.

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已付之会费不设退还。The membership fee is non-refundable.

议决入会费、常年会费。Decide initiation fees and yearly dues.

将每个社团的入会费综合起来考虑。Consider all fees associated with each group.

你们通常什么时候交工会费?When do you usually pay your dues to the union?

他到各个办公室去收会费。He went round the various offices to collect the dues.

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凡获批准入会者,必须按时缴交会费。Initiates approved should pay the membership fees on time.

根据会章规定,会员有义务遵守会章规则及交纳会费。Members have to follow the rules and regulations of the IT Club.

我们开除了两个不交会费的俱乐部成员。We dropped two members of the club who have not paid their dues.

各分会开始准备向世界总会陈报的半年报及会费收取。Clubs start to prepare the semi-annual report and collect the dues.

每年第一个季度内须交齐当年会费。Membersip fees should be paid within the first quarter of every year.

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他们从我的工资中扣下80元钱交工会会费。They kept back 80 dollars from my wages for trade union membership dues.

不会,CFA协会及分会会费是不退还不让渡的。No. CFA Institute and society dues are nonrefundable and nontransferable.

他们由于不缴纳会费而被俱乐部除名。They were chucked out of the club for failing to pay the membership dues.

因此,多数社团只能自己承担费用,大部分来源于会费。Therefore, most school clubs are self-funded, mostly from membership fees.

会员会费上一次改变了1998-1999年更新周期12年前,在这段时间通货膨胀。Member dues were last changed 12 years ago for the 1998-1999 renewal cycle.

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俱乐部每月会费仅相当于在伦敦餐馆吃一顿饭的成本。A monthly subscription costs about the same as one restaurant meal in London.

提供美国景观设计师协会一年会籍,包括会费和各种福利。Provides ASLA membership for one year, including chapter dues and all benefits.

每一位俱乐部在赛季结束以前缴清会费。Every club member must pay up his membership money before the end of the season.