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遵行主道的人是有福的。Blessed are those who obey the Lord's words.

在采尔马特镇,走在前往火车站的主道上。Walking on the main road in Zermatt to the train station.

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凡遵守主道的,爱神的心在他里面实在是完全的。But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him.

主道边开着几家商店,车道上车流也还算繁忙。There are some shops on the main street, and cars in many of the driveways.

警官在小镇的主道上截住一个开摩托车超速的人。A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who was speeding down Main Street.

一名泰国反政府红衫军示威者火堆里扔木头在一条曼谷主道上向。Thai anti-government red shirt protester throws wood onto a fire on a major Bangkok street.

几年前我在墨尔本和艾德雷德的主道上有一个加油站和一个酒店。Many years ago, I owned a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide.

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主道绿化形式以三板四带式为主,而次道绿化形式几乎全部是一板二带式。Three-board-four-zoster was the main fonus at main-road, but the form of sub-roads almost was one-board-two-zoster.

今天的主题是“过去与未来交汇之处”,会有一场沿主道行进的花车游行,由唐担任解说。Today, the theme is “Where the Past Meets the Future,” and Don announces the floats for the parade down Main Street.

在这个人口大约有4千人小镇的主道上,公共汽车里满是狂热的购物者从车上搬出他们的货物。Just above the main street of the small town -- population around 4, 000 -- the steaming buses exhale their cargo of enthusiastic shoppers.

博物馆提供了多条通道直达展厅内部,有种意指通往艺术的路径绝非单行线的意味,但在进入之前必要先通过一条主道。Multiple entrances are provided, which nicely suggests there is no one way to approach the art within. But use the main one the first time.

那是接近傍晚时分,落日映照着一幅完美的乡村景色,几家农舍,一条主道,几个商店,一个车库和一座教堂相映生辉。It was late afternoon, and the sun was setting on a perfect country scene of farm buildings, a main street, a few shops, a garage and a church.

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过了些日子,保罗对巴拿巴说,我们可以回到从前宣传主道的各城,看望弟兄们景况如何。And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the LORD, and see how they do.

如果你沿着小街主道开车,并向着大山的那个方向开去,你会发现一条乡间小道,小道旁边是开阔的草原,古老的新英格兰谷仓还有一些荷兰黑白花牛。If you drive down Main Street, turning south towards the mountain, you enter a winding country road lined with open pastures, old New England barns, and Holstein cows.

为本章程及其所附细则之缘故﹐以下基督教信义会主道堂均简称本堂会。C1.02 For the purpose of this constitution and the accompanying bylaws, the congregation of Lutheran Church of the Way is hereinafter designated as "this congregation".