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建立功能表。Create a menu.


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建立斜接接合。Creating miter joints.

与他们建立关系。to build our own ties.

它们扩展建立。They broaden and build.

曼萨的建立目的是甚么?What are Mensa's goals?

古罗马于公元前七百五十三年建立。Rome was begun in 753 BC.

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深度是用图示的方式建立的。The water was waist-deep.

建立人际沟通技巧。Build interpersonal skills.

建立互动关系是关键。Building engagement is key.

建立一个网上托收账号。Create a Clickbank account.

英国东印度公司于1639年在此建立圣·乔治要塞。Founded in 1639 as Fort St.

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高中生帕克·艾文斯说”我将更好地建立联系。I just relate better to it.

建立新的活动租用。A. Create new active leases.

我现在可以建立线段了。And I could now extend that.

他建立了俄国海军。He founded the Russian navy.

建立稳定的实习基地。Set up steady practice base.

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与他们交流心得、分享生活、建立情感上的联系。Talk with them, share, bond.

那就是我想建立的东西。That's what I want to build.

建立工具转换器。To create tool transformers.