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瓜熟蒂落之爱就像一个有生命的机体。Mature love is like a living organism.

你看学习事情就这么瓜熟蒂落了。This thing is going the distexcellentce.

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我愿打赌,你必须生活在一个构架之中,方能让爱这一无与伦比的礼物瓜熟蒂落。I would hedge to bet, there is a framework you must live within to let this gift that has no rivals mature.

当此发生时你就进入一个永恒的状态,其中你的进一步扩展或提升可以瓜熟蒂落。As this occurs, one enters a timeless state in which one's further expansion or ascension can come to fruition.

在掌握梦的编织中,一个人编织自己的梦然后监控它在肉体层瓜熟蒂落。In the mastery of dream weaving, one weaves one's own dream and then monitors it to fruition upon the physical plane.

要让谈判瓜熟蒂落,奥巴马政府必须耗费它在国内的政治资本,它是否愿意这样做,也还远不明晰。It also is far from certain that the Obama administration will be willing to expend the political capital at home needed to carry the talks to fruition.

华界救火联合会的横空出世,与租界火政的竞争与包融,使得中国近代消防瓜熟蒂落。The born of Chinese Fire Federation, and the competition and integration with the fire administration in concessions, making China's modern fire ripened.

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在联军内部也存在着某种不和。某些国家急于迅速解决问题,而某些国家则希望瓜熟蒂落,水到渠成。There may also be some tension within the coalition between those keen to attempt a speedy resolution and those who are resigned to a lengthier engagement.

战争,刺杀还有难民都是计划的要点,都由那位诡计多端,狡猾透顶的精神操纵着,期待一切都能瓜熟蒂落。War, assassination, and refugees were elements of the plan, all manipulated by a scheming, subtle mind that had waited generations for everything to come to fruition.

两一己在历经爱情的酸甜苦辣的浪漫后,最后都将携手走进平实的婚姻生计,正所谓爱情是水,婚姻是渠,瓜熟蒂落吧!After two people in the ups and downs of romantic love, the end will work into the plain of marriage, is the so-called love is water, marriage is a channel, ripe for it!