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你明修栈道我暗渡陈仓咱各显其能。You're moving one way and I'm planning my way.

而盘面,分明就是明修栈道,暗渡陈仓。The disk, clearly is repairing the surreptitious.

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栈道插云弯弯曲曲上剑阁,风刮起黄尘格外萧索。A serpentine plank path led to cloud-capped Sword Gate.

但是离这个栈道很近。but within close enough walking distance to this trail.

在近百年的时间里,驿馆、驿站在古栈道上繁荣一时。Nearly one hundred years, posthouse boomed on this old-age path.

建筑与木栈道环绕着雨水花园与郁郁葱葱的莎草地。The building and boardwalks frame the rain gardens and broom sedge meadows.

空中的栈道架在烤干的土地上,成排的船只在此搁浅。Stilted walkways stood on baked earth and rowing boats lay stranded on the ground.

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然后,两人高兴地手挽手,走在笔直的海边栈道上。Then they walked hand in hand on the straight plank road on the beach delightedly.

峭壁如削猿兴叹,人行栈道魂魄散。Cliff such as cutting apes were left feeling useless, pedestrian road souls scattered.

栈道石孔多呈四方形,孔径20厘米见方,孔深30厘米左右,孔距130—200厘米。Plank road-square-Duocheng, diameter 20 cm square, about 30 cm deep hole, Kongju 130-200 cm.

栈道边可见湖中的“腐木更新”,可称九寨又一绝。The path along the cliff edge visible Lake in the "rotten wood update", and can be called a jiuzhaigou.

我们在木栈道上散步,享受着咸咸的大西洋微风。We took a stroll on the boardwalk, enjoying the salty Atlantic breeze, and then had dinner by the shore.

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北面观景点这个雕刻的木平台凌驾于水中央,由一条窄窄的木栈道连通着。NORTH VIEWING NODE This sculptural block landing will sit out in the water, accessed by a narrow timber deck.

有的地方栈道正在修理,有告示牌让我们走大路,但我们还是偷偷走进栈道。Some of the plank roads are under construction and not safe for walking, but we still insist to walk along it.

从对栈道南北两段石孔的实际测量及相关比较,可进一步了解古人凿孔架设不同功用栈道的工艺差异。From the comparing these two parts , we can deeply know the different technics of plank road with different function.

这条栈道开凿在悬崖峭壁上,沿着栈道行走,真有腾空走壁之感。The path along the cliff cut in the cliffs, walk along the path along the cliff, really take the vacated wall feeling.

木栈道通向住宅的正门,它在矩形体块的方形开口之内。A wood boardwalk leads to the home's main entrance, which is located within a square opening in the rectilinear volume.

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规划设计有休闲步道、景观休憩亭、木栈道及景观小品等。The planning has designed leisure walk path, landscape recreation pavilion, wooden footway and landscape opusculum, etc.

为了成功掩护雷远过江,吴广滔下令沿途埋下炸药,把栈道口炸掉。LeiYuan cover in order to successfully cross the Wu Guangtao ordered buried explosives, along the plank road mouth blown up.

半室外活动、聚会空间将卫生间、室内活动空间与木栈道上的信息亭连接起来。The semi-covered outdoor event and gathering space connects restrooms and interior meeting spaces to the interpretive kiosks.