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他们是互相垂直的。They are orthogonal.

他们互相拥抱。They hug each other.

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他们大多数互相勾搭。Most of them hook up.

我们互相帮助。We helped each other.

我们互相点头致意。We nod to each other.

我们互相尊重。We respect each other.

这两个词互相指代The two words co-refer.

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他们互相爱慕罢了。They adored each other.

他们互相探索着。They explore each other.

我们会互相理解。We understand each other.

人们互相挤来挤去。People jostled each other.

这对双胞胎互相爱护。The twins love each other.

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大家都应该互相帮助。We should help each other.

我们应互相提意见。We should advise each other.

我想成为在美国的互相交换的学生。I want an student in America.

他们互相害怕。They are afraid of eachother.

他们喜欢互相帮助。They like to help each other.

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他们将永远互相束缚。They would be forever bonded.

不过,只要彼此互相迁就,还是能相处得不错。With compromise, it can work.

一条双向道,有来有往,引申为互相忍让。It has to be a two-way street.