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不间断电源室。No-break power room.

反而,我们不间断的浏览。Instead, we browse incessantly.

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这是一个不间断句子或是其他什么吗?!Was that a run-on sentence or what?!

强大的设备和不间断的访问。Powerful devices and always-on access.

每晚8小时的不间断睡眠。Get uninterrupted 8 hours sleep each night.

金胆片能长时间不间断服用?Jindan continuous film can take a long time?

不间断地提供质量有保证的药物Uninterrupted supply of quality-assured drugs

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普通的不间断电源设备。A Generic Uninterruptible Power Supply device.

战火一刻也没有间断过。Never for a moment has the fire of war ceased.

但是,●陈不间断地●试探布什的耐心底线。However, Chen repeatedly tried Bush's patience.

当然在身体中这个繁殖的过程从未间断过Of course this happens all the time in the body.

顶部超覆是无沉积作用间断的证据。Toplap is evidence of a non de-positional hiatus.

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国家电视台提供不间断新闻报道。State-owned television provided non-stop coverage.

这种削蚀现象是侵蚀沉积间断的证据。Such truncation is evidence of an erosional hiatus.

深黯魔像会不间断地嚎叫,但无法进行交流。Gloom golems howl incessantly but do not communicate.

第一,每天记20个撕氓词,从没有间断。First, remember 20 new words a day, and never give up.

事实上,不分日夜都在作梦,毫无间断。In fact, dreaming goes on night and day, without a break.

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像我每日必需的摄生食物不能间断。I like the daily food regimen required can not be stopped.

狮城最大的音乐聚会,将近一周不间断!It's a mega week of heart thumping music in the Lion City!

最终结果是22年几乎从未间断的改革。The net result has been22 years of near-continuous reform.